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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Visitors are always welcome
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![]() 1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney
![]() Sydney PCUG's Blog
18 - 24 April 2010
Hello and Welcome,
Communications SIG Leader Wanted
The above SIG requires a new leader to take over the management and running of the event held on the 2nd Friday of every month from 12.30pm - 3.30pm. They will have the full support of Terry Eakin, Bob Backstrom and Peter Collard who will assist and provide back-up as required.
The duties of a SIG Leader are set out on the Club's Website under "Rules for an Approved Activity" and "Procedure for Conducting an Activity".
Should you be interested please contact Warren Wyllie (President, SPCUG) for further information.
Old Print Screen Magazines
Graeme & Susan Batho have Print Screen magazines 1992 - 1995 in very good condition FREE to anyone who can pick up from the Blue Mountains.
Interested members please contact Graeme & Susan Batho.
CODGERS - Seymour Centre Sydney - 20 April - 1 May 2010
A special offer to a special night in the theatre - ASCCA members can purchase single tickets to Codgers at the group price simply by quoting "Codger Friend" when booking.
Click Here to book or for more information call 02 9351 7940.
Round box corners no longer an illusion!
![]() (John Lucke)
Monday 12 April - Stocks & Shares - M. Robertson - 5.30pm - 8.30pm
For the last six months the Australian All Ordinaries Index has been between 4,500 and 5,000. On the day of writing
this email (Wed 6/4/2010) the All Ords rose 9 points to 4,983 at the end of day trading. Several people feel a fall will occur
in May 2010 - others feel the "Bull will Run".
Malcolm will use Conscious Investor software to look at the shares that this program picks using John Price's filter - at the present time there are about 85 of the 1850 stocks listed on the ASX, which satisfy his criteria of good shares to hold long. (Malcolm Robertson)
Tuesday 8 April - Programming - N. Hoffman - 5.30pm - 8.30pm
At the March meeting Peter talked about remote wireless control of devices using a PIC/transceiver combination to send signals to a similar pair wired to multiple devices. Anthony showed us a digital clock he built from ICs and discrete components that he will upgrade to a PIC-controlled device. Peter introduced us to Source Boot. Stuart showed us Microchip's DM300027, a USB starter development board for programming 16 bit microprocessors. It comes with a PIC24 and a PIC30 and can connect to a PICKit2. Les showed Insider, a useful tool for wireless networking that displays frequencies used.
At this meeting we'll see some new microprocessor applications and programming examples.
(The PIC Club Website)
Friday 16 April - SmartPhones - J. Shiel - 5.30am - 8.30pm
![]() This month, we will continue with the introduction and include advanced mobile applications such as Mapping (including finding local services e.g. restaurants and service stations), Video, Photo, Radio and Music. We will also look at some of the technologies that have converged to allow this to come together in the last 5 years e.g. usability, 3.5g, compression formats, video conversion, flash storage and smaller and faster processors etc. (John Shiel)
Saturday 17 April - Web Design - R. Hume - 1.30pm - 4.30pm
There is no advanced information as to the topic for this SIG, but you can be sure Robert will have some new ideas for the group, so come along and be surprised.
Tip of the Week
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So until next week, health and happiness. Cheers Elaine Please remember if your e-mail address is changed for any reason at all, unless you tell me your new address you will not receive these weekly updates! Any change of address should be notified to
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note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the 1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.  
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