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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
~ Members helping Members for over 24 Years ~
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

23 - 29 May 2010
  • Main Meeting
  • Digital Photography

2010 Competition Guidelines...


Hello and Welcome,
Please note for this month only the SmartPhone SIG room access time will be from 6.00pm - 8.30pm.
John Lucke has kindly offered to temporarily run the Communications SIG until a new leader can be found. John has placed on the Club's website a very interesting article on 'Private Browsing' in IE8, Chrome and Firefox read more...
Tuesday 18 May - Seniors - G. Grant - 9.30am - 12.30pm
For our next Tuesday's meeting we will have the normal Q and A session.
We will have a look at the Microsoft Fixit Centre web site.
Then check out the free photo software Zoner Photostudio and also a small utility Monitor Switch.
Tuesday 18 May - Genealogy - T. Eakin - 12.30pm - 3.30pm
This Tuesday Terry will be reviewing the book 'Web Sites for Genealogists' by Cora Num, an Australian author from Moruya Heads NSW 2537.
All the addresses are available for on line research at home and at the SIG. Terry will produce a paper listing many sites and if you have a particular interest (subject) or a particular place or event, please email Terry and let him know so he can include your interests in this presentation.
Some sites Terry uses often, some he uses occasionally, some he discovers as he prepares this paper and others he sees in newsletters and publications.
Genealogy commences at 1.00 pm but Terry can do personal tuition from 12.30 pm and for a few minutes after we close the session at 3.00 pm.
Friday 21 May - Smartphone - J. Shiel - 6.00pm - 8.30pm
Last month, we continued with the introduction to Smartphones, and looked at the importance of technologies that have converged for this type of phone to evolve in the last 5 years eg. good battery life, multi-tasking, usability (dedicated buttons, user-definable shortcuts, contact sensitive soft keys, touch-sensitive gesturing), 3.5g speed, compression formats, video conversion, flash storage (with the incredible capacity and small size of microSDHC chips), and smaller and faster processors. This has led to advanced mobile applications such as Photos (with LED flash, autofocus, GPS location tagging for locating image on a map), Video, Radio and Music.
This month we will also look at more advanced applications, including those built into some devices eg. Mapping (including finding local services eg. restaurants and service stations), Music, as well as downloadable applications that can expand the smartphone's capabilities, as well as monitoring the resource usage of a phone. We will also review the latest phones, including the HTC Desire, one of the smartest and fastest phones on the market.
Tip of the Week
As the logo implies, the site shows you "How to do just about everything". So when Googling, just add 'ehow' to your search words and you are almost certain to strike some of the very helpful articles and videos on their site. "How to" instructions get straight to the point and are written in simple numbered steps while many have related video tutorials as well. Also, navigate around the site to view the many computer and internet categories or some of the other million "how to" articles on offer. jl
So until next week, health and happiness.



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