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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 29 Years
Visitors are always welcome

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

26 - 31 May 2014
  • The Main Meeting




       24 June - Livescribe

       22 July - Nuance

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Read the review.

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Hello and Welcome,
We have another week of interesting meetings ahead. Details are below. 
Tuesday 20 May - Seniors - 9:30am - 12:30pm
At this meeting Tim Kelly will discuss how a Linux operating system can be a viable alternative to Microsoft Windows.  
He will demonstrate in detail one of the most popular versions of Linux, Ubuntu and show how Ubuntu can be installed in place of, or alongside Microsoft Windows.
The hardware that can be used with Ubuntu and the range of software available will also be explored.  
As usual there will be a general question and answer session at the meeting.
Tuesday 20 May - Genealogy - T Eakin - 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Terry Eakin will demonstrate how the National Library's Trove can be used to research family history at this meeting. 
Terry will also recount his recent experience in upgrading his Windows 8 computer with Windows 8.1 and the group will discuss general family history and computer questions during the meeting. 
Friday 23 May - Digital Photography - 9:30am - 12:30pm
The GoPro Hero3 camera system is very versatile and can be used in a great variety of extreme environments as well as in more conventional camera situations. 
Roger Foulds will introduce the Hero3 Black Edition camera at this meeting with short 'beginners' videos and show the results of some of his recent video and photo tests of close-ups and general scenes shot both indoors and outdoors. GoPro Studio, the company's own video editing suite which includes a fish-eye correction tool, was used to edit some of these videos and the videos will be replayed with the VLC and Faststone programs so that the recording conditions can be seen. 
The camera and its Wi-Fi remote controllers will be available for inspection at the meeting.  
Future Main Meeting News from Alex Zaharov-Reutt
At the June meeting Livescribe will showcase their digital pen solutions, which allow you to write on Livescribe paper (which you can buy in stores or print at home), and then see those written notes appearing on your iPhone or iPad through the Livescribe app, as well in Evernote, OneNote and elsewhere. You can also make audio recordings of the meetings you're taking notes of and have those notes synced to the audio - amazing stuff and a definite must-see, must-attend event.
In July Nuance is coming back to the SPCUG, with veteran presenter Derek Austin showcasing Nuance's latest and incredibly amazing versions of Dragon Naturally Speaking for PCs and Macs, as well as other Nuance products including Swype, Paperport and more!  - Alex

John Mathews

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Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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