Tonight, was our last meeting for the year and to finish the year, Google dropped by to show us the new Home Hub and take a freah look at YouTube. » read more...
Tonight Kate Jordan, Telstra's IoT Product Manager dropped by with details of the new Telstra Locator service.
Lost the dog. Can’t find your wallet, don’t remember where the keys are? Well tonight Kate,
was here to help us locate them all using the new Telstra Locator tag system. » read more... .
This month we had OPPO and The Vodafone Foundation drop by. » read more...
Tonight, Glen Whichello
made a welcome return to demonstrate
the new Norton Core. »
This month the guys from the Microsoft Store in Pitt St dropped by to tell us about some of the new features of the April Windows 10 update. If you have version 1803 you have the latest update.
This time we had a great rundown on all the accessibility features of the April update. » read more...
Tonight, Trend Micro returned with an update of Trend's Home Network Security device.
This time Shaniel Datt brought along Troy Thomas, Trend’s National Training Manager
Tonight, Amber from NBN Co.
dropped by for a chat about Australia's National Broadband Network. » read more...
Tonight Renato Catalan,
Representing AMD, Seagate, Brother and Blue Microphones returned to give us a review of the great variety of products the Agency represents.
Tonight, we enjoyed a visit from the CEO and Founder of OVO, Matt Jones » read more...
We hope you like the modern horizontal navigation bar with buttons for "Home" plus "Meetings", "Members & Visitors" & "Quick Links" dropdown lists. These lists simply replace those in the left and right columns of the old pages and give a much cleaner appearance.
Please read the Site Testing report, check out some of the pages using the new navigation bar on your different devices and let our Web Master know your findings and suggestions.
Each of the 22 pages that make up the club's website have been tested, modified and tested again many times to ensure compliance with the latest W3C accessibility standards.
Pages have also been checked for consistent appearance using all popular browsers on devices ranging in size from iPhone5 to large smart TV screens.
Furthermore, to improve user experience, a number of new
technologies and techniques have been used and tested on all
pages. These include highly compressing image files, minifying
content and style files, plus a further compression of files
(about 65%) using "gzip" before being sent from the web server.
All of this greatly reduces each page's loading time and your
internet usage.
NOTE: Press Ctrl + F5 to force-clear older cached (stored) pages and replace them with fresh new pages may be needed while current updating takes place.
Tonight, after our AGM, Alex
demonstrated the new speakers that Google and Apple have brought to
the market.
Our first meeting for the year started with a Report from our President Alex who attended the Consumer Electronics Show, earlier this month in Los Vegas. You can find all his interviews at his YouTube channel “Alex on tech”
We then welcomed two presenters - Jazoodle Account forecasting
software and the new Fuji Scanners.
see all three reports here