Monthly Main Meeting Highlights

Welcome to our February 2014 Main Meeting.

Tonight was our AGM

We have a new committee member, Tim Kelly, who joins Roger Foulds, Dennis Campanella, John Lucke, John Mathews, and Ray Allum.

After the AGM Robert gave us a tutorial on different operating systems found on tablet PCs. Here is the link to the article from tabletpc

After the break Kensington stepped up to give us a look at some of the innovative peripheral attachments they make for Phones, tablets, and PCs.

Kensington Logo

Our presenter was Sam Goldstein,

Sam GoldsteinManager - Marketing and Business Development for Kensington.

To Kensington

Sam addresses the audience

Sam started with a look at the changes in technology from the first product Kensington made which was a system saver for the Apple,

February 14 Slide 1

and he detailed some of those changes such as the movement from large PCs to tablets and smartphones, input devices, point of sale devices, payment methods, and even education.

February 14 Slide 2

Then he gave us a run down on the company’s history,

February 14 Slide 3

and their brand ethos of smart, safe, and simple products which deliver security, protection, and productivity.

February 14 Slide 4

Sam had a number of products to show and started by discussing how frustrating it is for the connected Mum when she or one of the family members loses a phone.

February 14 Slide 5

He showed how Proximo can help.

February 14 Slide 6

Proximo is a tag alarm you can attach to thi/ngs like your keys. If you lose them you can use your phone to ring the alarm and locate them.

February 14 Slide 7

This device comes in two flavours. The first, the Key fob with two way connection to and from your phone. Lose your keys and you can use the phone to locate them, lose the phone and you can use the fob to find the phone.

February 14 Slide 8

To Proximo Key Fob

Secondly, the Key Tag which is attached to keys or bag. It will go off if you leave them behind, or you can use the phone to find them. Unfortunately you can’t use the tag to locate the phone.

February 14 Slide 9

To Proximo Key Tag

The other interesting matter Sam had for us was how children use portable devices such as smart phones and tablets. Kensington has developed a range of products to help parents protect their child’s devices.

February 14 Slide 10

These include a range of rugged cases. One even came with chucky stylus just the right size for a child’s hand.

February 14 Slide 11

Bob has a chance to inspect one.

Bob inspects a rugged case

The rapid growth in the use of tablets in schools has not gone unnoticed by Kensington.

February 14 Slide 12

They have addressed three areas “care and feeding”, “protection” and “security”.

February 14 Slide 13

The most interesting item was the secure safe which acts as a charging dock while locking the tablets away.

February 14  Slide 14

To Secure Charge Cabinets

Secure Cabinet

The last trend Sam spoke about was tablet productivity and how Kensington has created a range of cases to suit all needs.

The Raffle

Sam kindly arranged for Kensington to donate one of the Proximo Key Fob alarms and an iPad Folio case and keyboard.

February 14 Raffle Prizes

Our winners were


Clare and




John took home the Door Prize.


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