December 2024 Main Meeting

This month we had our end of year party. We gathered at the SMSA for some snacks, a raffle and a great catch-up.
Unfortunately, Alex was nominated for an award so he couldn’t be with us. He suggested we watch his interview with Nextbase’s Allard Rustenhoven. Nextbase makes dashcams. The growth in fraud shows that dashcams have never been more important with as we saw in the two videos dealing.
The first is some examples of fraudulent accidents. and How Nextbase dashscams can help.
We then viewed Alex’s talk with Allard on his Nextbase dashcams.
You can read about the range of Nextbase’s dashcams in Alex’s article on
After which we had a little party.
and some raffle prizes.

We wish you all a pleasant and restful holiday period and look forward to seeing you all in Feburuary 2025.

Our Next Main Meeting
is on Tuesday
4th February 2024.
Please note our Main Meeting is online only.
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