Sydney Club Facilities
We meet on the 1st Floor of the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts Building, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney, close to Sydney Town Hall, city bus and rail transport.
Our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) meet in the comfortable, conference style Woolley Room. Here, the Club has WinXP, Windows7 & Windows10 running on a modern desktop computer with access to broad-band internet plus a digital projector, all housed in a mobile cabinet. Some groups prefer to bring along their own laptops when discussing and demonstrating their favourite programs.
Our Main Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 6 pm to 8 pm in the spacious 1st Floor Auditorium. The Auditorium has excellent sound and visual systems plus computer with ADSL internet access for use by the computer industry presenters. Guest presenters may of course connect using their own laptops as well.
The modern building is wheel-chair friendly with two lifts servicing all levels. Quality kitchen and toilet facilities are available on every floor. Please note that at certain times, 1st floor access may not be available until 30 minutes before the scheduled meeting times.
Penrith Club Facilities
First time visitors - please contact Penrith Group members for details of the meeting location, dates and times.