Sydney PC User Group Incorporated

Members helping Members

Visitors are always welcome



1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics' School Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

November Main Meeting Winners

Dragon Naturally SpeakingProfessional 10

Ist Prize

Roger Foulds

PaperPort 11

2nd Prize

Bruce Murrell

PDF Creater

3rd Prize

Antony Zaglas

Door Prize
SanDisk USB Drive


Robert Israel


7 - 13 December 2008

  • Stocks & Shares
  • Programming
  • Friday Seniors
  • Communications

Hello and Welcome,

The Main Meeting presentation from Derek Austin, Nuance was, as always, very instructive. Derek gave us a rundown on the new Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Professional, which is faster, 20% more accurate than Version 9 and transcribes words to screen in half the time. You can also use it to control your computer using the speech recognition facility.

There are several versions of Dragon and price ranges from $199.00 through to over $1000.00.

Derek also supplied a copy of Dragon 10 Professional, PaperPort 11 and PDF Creater for the raffle. To the winners congratulations and our thanks to Derek.

Derek, at the time of the meeting promised to send the link for SPCUG members to avail themselves of the discount offer available. This was forwarded to all members on Thursday via a separate email.

Saturday 6 December - Penrith - Frank Bowman - 3 pm - 6 pm
St Clair High School, Endeavour Avenue , St Clair

For the last meeting of the year there will be a review of the work that we have done and also we will look at encrypting data. A discussion on two interesting articles from PC World: "Fixes for some of Vista 's Worst Features" and "How Often Should we Turn Off our Computer?" then if time allows we will see if we can beat the computer in the old DOS game - Battleships. 

There will be no meeting in January due to the school holidays, the Penrith SIG will resume Saturday 7 February 2009.


Tip of the Week


This week's tip is for those of you who use your USB to copy data from one machine to another. By holding down the shift key every time you insert the USB drive it will circumvent Windows AutoPlay behaviour and thereby making any malware that might have sneaked onto the thumb drive less likely to run automatically.


Please remember if your e-mail address is changed for any reason at all, unless you tell me your new address then you will not receive these weekly updates! Any change of address should be notified to

So until next week, health and happiness. 



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                Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the 1st Floor,
                Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.