Sydney PC User Group Incorporated

~ Members helping Members for over 22 Years ~
Visitors are always welcome



1st Floor
 Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts
 280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Hello and Welcome,

STOP PRESS: Saturday 20 December 2008 from 9 am to 4 pm SPCUG will be holding a Membership Drive Stall at the Crows Nest Markets, Crows Nest Centre, Ernest Place, off Willloughby Road, Crows Nest. If any member has some time to spare your help would be appreciated or just come along and support your fellow members' efforts.

This will be the last newsletter for 2008, I am taking a break and will resume sending out the newsletter on Friday 2 January 2009. My thanks to all who have supported me in making this newsletter possible and also to the SIG Leaders for their information on their upcoming SIG's, it sure makes my life easier. Remember any ideas/thoughts/jokes/tips or most importantly articles that you think will help other members in their quest for learning would be appreciated.

Another "end of year"/Christmas Lunch will be held on  Tuesday 16 December. It will happen between midday and 1.00 pm so that both SIG's can be run as normal. The venue will be the "Star Bar", 600 George Street, opposite the cinemas. Bill has booked a table (in his name) for about 10 to 15 people, but we can change that either way on the day.There is a lift for those of you who aren't that keen on stairs.

Tuesday 16 December - Seniors - Alan Matthews - 10 am - 12 noon

No information available on the topic for this upcoming SIG, come along, who knows what you may learn.

Tuesday 16 December - Genealogy - Terry Eakin - 1 pm - 3 pm

Terry will bring copies of the latest maps of Ireland scale 1:50,000 with the place names on the front with objects and on the reverse side (normally blank) the same area to the same scale with the individual townlands drawn and each named as well as a place name gazetteer and grid reference for all places mentioned on the map front. The first six maps have been printed, the next six are due in March 2009 and the last six due in the 2009/10 financial year. The price remains the same at £6.00, [AU$16.00]. They will cover the six counties now known as Northern Ireland . The Republic is starting too but I do not know when theirs will be republished.

He will also take along a CD on the Plantation of Ulster which is interactive and very educational and historic. Also questions can be on any genealogy topic or problem in the Q & A. There will be a lucky door prize drawn at the coffee break.


    Tip of the Week

    Having problems opening the new file extensions in Microsoft Office 2007. If you have a legal copy of Office 2003 you can download a free .docx converter/opener from Microsoft. No Office 2003 you can try, also free, the converter available at Native Winds of Montana. Or better still download the free 3 and it is compatible with Office 2007 .docx, xlsx and pptx files. My thanks to Warren for his Native Winds and Alex for the Microsoft & OpenOffice tips. 


    Please remember if your e-mail address is changed for any reason at all, unless you tell me your new address then you will not receive these weekly updates! Any change of address should be notified to

    So until next year, I wish everyone of you a very happy festive season, a grand New Year with peace, health and happiness.






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                  Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the 1st Floor,
                  Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.