Sydney PC User Group Incorporated

~ Members helping Members for over 22 Years ~
Visitors are always welcome



1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

February Main Meeting Winners
Symantec Norton Utilities V.14

Upcoming SIG'S
15 - 21 March 2009
  • Tuesday Seniors
  • Genealogy 
  • Web Design


28 April 2009

Disposal of Unwanted
Mobile Phones
Don't forget to bring in your unwanted mobile phones, not only will you be helping the environment but also the Spastic Centre.

Hexapod Robot CNC
Entertaining Walking/Plotting
Mang CNC Wire Bending
Best viewed in full screen


The rich red colour with peony flower design, Mother's Day?


Hello and Welcome,

Thanks to John Lucke for his report on the recent Membership Drive:

More than a dozen members turned up to help at our Club's "Membership Drive" last Sunday at the University of NSW, Computer Fair. Arriving early, Bill Parry and helpers set up our stand with his laptop and projection screen, then during the day displayed a continuous variety of PowerPoint and video presentations - even some with music. There were always members on hand to give out our special newsletters, talk to prospective "customers" and answer their many questions.
It was not all work though as our volunteers had plenty of opportunity to peruse the many tables of cheap goods on sale. When leaving, most of our members were seen clutching their bags of bargain goodies. Indeed, one delighted member walked out with a quad-core, 500 GB super computer under his arm!
All volunteers believed this membership drive had been a very worthwhile exercise. So we have already agreed to promote our club again at the next Uni. NSW Fair on Sunday 29 March. A very special thanks to all those members who were able to give their time to support this important event.

Monday 9 March - Stocks & Shares - Malcolm Robertson - 6 pm - 8 pm

On Thursday, 5 March 2009, the ASX All Ords was 3148 - will it fall to 2700 to 2800? The S & P 500 was 713 and the DJIA 6857. Will the latter two fall to 659 and 6000 respectively? We will talk about this at the next meeting.

  • Gold to shine in '09 ??
  • Explore some Websites,
  • When the market bottoms - which stocks to buy. Members could bring along a few stock names for us to look at,

And last, is John Ewing coming with the milk - let me know John.

Tuesday 10 March - Programming - Neville Hoffman - 6 pm - 8 pm

February meeting commenced with Bob showing a YouTube movie of a Hexapod robot CNC router cutting a rectangle shape, this was followed with Neville showing a movie of a Mang CNC wire bending machine.

Andrew showed the hardware of his data logger tester using two Picaxe 08Ms. It enabled him to quickly test 250 CR800 data loggers.

The evening continued with several members sharing their programming knowledge. Seppo spoke of Microchip's new PICkit3, and referred members to the website Talking Electronics  as a good source of PIC information.

The topic for tonight is unknown, but one can be sure it will be interesting.

Friday 13 March - Seniors - Bill Parry - 10 am - 12 noon

For this month's meeting Colin will bring in his laptop and give us a more detailed look at Vista.

Bill will have a couple of other topics that he will keep up his sleeve in case there is any time left over and he will also fill in for Colin with Q & A when Colin needs a break.

Friday 13 March - Communications - Terry Eakin - 1 pm - 3 pm

A presentation is being prepared along the lines of the following topics, but not restricted to them:

  • Internet Explorer 7 Windows (others may demo Firefox or similar)
  • Getting started and browsing with links, Google how can it help you
  • Typing an address to connect to a site
  • Viewing Tabs
  • Searching the Internet using Google
  • Using your Favourites and adding to the list, organising your Favourites.
  • Using your Favourites and rearranging them to suit your needs
  • Using the Vista history lists, and clearing the history list
  • Setting you Internet Explorer home page
  • Emailing a link or page, and previewing and printing a web page.

Terry will bring in his notebook with Windows Vista and members can use it during lunch and have access to Office 2007 as well. Other topics may be demonstrated and introduced to educate and inform members. 


Tip of the Week - John Symonds.

Butterscotch website is an offshoot of Tucows, it is a nifty site loaded with tons of great tutorials and full video content to help you access the most from software, technology and the internet. You can also access Tucows from Butterscotch. They also provide a monthly newsletter.

Got a tip or website you would like to share with your fellow members, please free to send it to me


Please remember if your e-mail address is changed for any reason at all, unless you tell me your new address then you will not receive these weekly updates! Any change of address should be notified to

So until next week, 




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      Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the 1st Floor,
      Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.