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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated

~ Members helping Members for over 22 Years ~
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's  Blog

23 - 29 August 2009
  • Main Meeting 
  • Digital Photography

Sunday 30 August 2009
10.00am - 3.00pm

  i-gotU GT 200 is perfect for making photo journals as it automatically tags yours photos with the location where it was taken.


Don't forget ASCCA competition photos must be emailed to
Roger by the end of August. 


Jaycar - $14.95


Hello and Welcome,

By all reports the new computer is well and truly on course and should arrive within the next week. I'm sure all the SIG leaders and members who used the old computer are going to be pleasantly surprised.

To all Digital Photographers 

Just a gentle reminder that your videos and photos need to be ready to give to Roger at the next Digital Photography SIG, Friday 28 August.


At last month's main meeting the raffle was five x one year licences of the program LogMeIn. Two of the winners have found that they would not use the program and have offered them to the first two members who e-mail me . On receipt of the first two requests received, I will forward to the lucky member the information required to obtain the licence. This offer has the approval of Seth Shaw from LogMeIn.

Tuesday 18 August - Seniors - Graham Grant - 10 am - 12 noon 

Tuesday Seniors will start with the usual informative Q and A, so if you have a question bring it along.

As Microsoft appear to have given up on Outlook Express and Windows Mail, it is time to look at a different e-mail program. Having looked at Mozilla Thunderbird before we can give it the once over again, as an alternative.

Peter Collard has kindly offered to give us a run down on 'backups'.


Tuesday 18 August - Genealogy - Terry Eakin - 1 pm - 3 pm

Terry has a doctor's session, but should make it by 1.00 pm or a little later. Joan and others will be there to assist and Terry will contribute after he arrives.

Ancestry recently added 1.61 million records to its database many to do with Australian convicts and shipping and these are free at the SAG Library and many council libraries or at home by subscription.

Tip of the Week

Workrave  (Windows) is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses and rest breaks.

Timeout (Mac OS X 10.4 or later) will gently remind you to take a break on a regular basis. It has two kinds of breaks, a “Normal” break, plus a “Micro” break. The breaks are automatically paused when you go away from your computer, and can be reset when you come back.

So until next week, health and happiness,



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1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.