Floor Sydney Mechanics' School
of Arts 280 Pitt Street,
Sydney http://www.sydneypc.com
Sydney PCUG's
22 - 28 November 2009
Main Meeting
Computer Fair 10 am - 3 pm
Sunday, 22 November
2009 Roundhouse University of NSW
Sculpture by the
Sea 29 Oct - 15 Nov 2009
Hello and Welcome,
your Committee Members last meeting it was decided the door prize
would continue, it is proposed the prize will be a Dick Smith Gift
Card to the value of $20. It is intended that this will be trialled for a
period of five Main meetings.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The
last Main Meeting, Tuesday 22 December, we will see the year out with
drinks and nibbles, so note your diary, come along and join your fellow
members to end 2009 with a bang!
Tuesday 17 November - Seniors
- Graham Grant - 10 am - 12 noon
Seniors will commence with the usual Q & A, so if you have a problem
make sure you write it down and bring it with you, any tips, programmes
bring them along and share with your fellow members.
Graham's topic for this month will be about a free and small font viewer
called Windows Fonts Explorer.
Any member is welcome to demonstrate any
utility programme that they find useful.
Tuesday 17 November - Genealogy
- Terry Eakin - 1 pm - 3
For those of you who are interested in
Genealogy this is a meeting not to be missed. Although there is no
advanced information as to the topic, you can be sure that Terry has
a fascinating afternoon arranged.
Saturday 21 November - Web
Design - Robert Hume - 2 pm - 4
There was a good roll-up last month, at which
time the members were entertained from the next room with a so-called
'a capella' singing group. They started off with 3 or 4 repeats
of Swing Low, Sweet Chariot then went on to long single-notes
held in a round i.e. some taking a breath then rejoining. Then
came the DRUMS ! All through this Peter Collard managed to give an
informative session on various aspects of web design.
No details yet as to what is planned for this
months meeting, come along and be surprised by what eventuates!
Tip of the Week
Windows Seven Forums
want to sort a problem with Windows 7 try this site. It has tutorials that
will take you through all the steps from installing, networking, file
and folder settings etc.
So until next week, health and
Please remember
if your e-mail address is changed for any reason at all, unless you tell
me your new address then you will not receive these weekly updates! Any
change of address should be notified to changedetails@sydneypc.com
Information for Members and Visitors:
Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically
stated, are held on the 1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts,
280 Pitt Street, Sydney. |