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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
~ Members helping Members for over 24 Years ~
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

24 - 30 January 2010


26 JANUARY 2010

The Proceedings of the Old Bailey - Central Criminal Court, 1674 - 1913

Medieval Plus - Castles &

SharpBrains -
Brain Fitness for all 


Giveaway of the Day - 

Hello and Welcome,
Due to the fact that there are no scheduled meetings during the week 24 - 30 January and as there will be no information to forward to members I will be taking a week off. The next newsletter will be sent out Friday 29 January 2010.
Friday Seniors Report - Bill Parry
Last Friday we had a pretty good roll-up for an early January SIG ...twenty one members. We enjoyed a very interesting meeting with special thanks to Bob Young who gave us a really comprehensive presentation on the NBN (National Broadband Network). Bob delivered a very well structured presentation on the NBN which he is so qualified to do so: as most of you know Bob was in a senior management position with Telstra before he retired and recently attended an industry conference at which he was brought right up to date with the situation.
He spoke on what the NBN is, it's history, the politics, the people, the technical options, the cost, it's uses and the present position. Bob kept our attention throughout and the questions asked by many of the group confirmed our interest. Thanks Bob.
Tuesday 19 January - Seniors - Graham Grant - 10 am - 12 noon
With the holiday period and visitors from overseas Graham hasn't had much time to organise anything for the Tuesday meeting.
We will, of course, start with the usual Q and A.
Graham is sure that with all the "goodies" that members received at Christmas there will be some in-depth questions or queries. Including installation problems, of which Graham has a couple of his own.
Tuesday 19 January - Genealogy - Terry Eakin - 1 pm - 3 pm
This month the Genealogy SIG will begin with Terry conducting a survey of member's interests and the areas they want to research, once completed the year's program can then be tailored to suit all member's.
Terry will show some school records both here in NSW, Ireland and Northern Ireland plus other areas such as Victoria if the books can be located.
Friday 22 Jan. - Digital Photography - Peter Collard - 10 am - 12 noon
  • Introduction and Software Updates (bring your thumb drive)
  • Future planned topics
  • Photography Exercise : critical discussion of your effort for the last month's task 'Birds in Flight'
  • Q & A and tips : bring us your problems and solutions.
Main Topic - Using your Manual (the book, not the mode)
Some people have been having trouble catching birds - some tips, they fly slower when taking off or landing so:
  • A packet of chips at your local park or beach will get you overwhelmed by seagulls and pigeons.
  • A wetland or swamp will have many birds, Centennial Park is a goldmine.
  • Bats come low and slow over Anzac Pde. at Moore Park checking out the fig trees at sunset.
  • Swallows line up on power lines in late afternoon for a gossip, catch them as they switch places.
  • Currawongs often play "king of the hill" about the same time. They fly around POW Hospital, knocking their mates off the radio masts.
  • The "dawn chorus" at 5-6am has many birds at shift-change.
  • If they are flying too fast, try the "panning" technique that we discussed before.
Please limit your 'bird' photos to your best 5. Send to Roger or bring on your thumb drive. We'll select your best 2 to upload to the Picasa Web. If you bring too many, we'll run out of time.
So until next week, health and happiness.



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1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.