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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
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1st Floor Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts 280 Pitt Street, Sydney Sydney PCUG's Blog
13 - 19 June 2010
ASCCA CLUB COMPETITIONS 2010 Competition Guidelines... SECUNIA PSI UPDATE download... JUST FOR FUN Younnat - Dot Matrix Printer Etude see more... XnView Version 1.97.4 UPDATE download... ASCCA NEWSLETTER read more... NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY AWARNESS WEEK read more... |
Hello and Welcome,
Tuesday 8 June - Programming - N. Hoffman - 5.30am - 8.30pm
At the May meeting Andrew showed a PCB he built in 1987 using an 1802 microprocessor, and a sample from that era of a PCB layout using tape.
Chris asked for help with a program he wrote for an Arduino/PIC/I2C project, and in a lengthy session the group was able to solve many problems.
Shane showed more details of the modifications he is making to an old Holden, including fuel injection and monitoring of its vital signs using Tuner Studio MS,,
Peter showed us how to find rare ICs.
Niel showed a sensor he is developing for air conditioning using an R485 chip and a PIC16648A.
Come and show your projects, or see some others. Everyone is welcome, and there is no fee for a first time visitor. (Neville Hoffman)
Friday 11 June - Seniors - B. Parry - 9.30am - 12.30pm
At the June Friday's Seniors SIG Peter Collard has agreed to give us a run down on a fix for 'Olin's problem': At the May SIG Olin told us about a problem with his National Geographic data base on seven CD’s which he has had for some years; he has to keep inserting a different CD quite frequently in order to view his required selection of topic. Nat. Geo. Can’t help!
Peter has agreed to demonstrate a free program called ‘Daemon Tools’ which he suggested might help. To detail how this application works Peter will develop a scenario for the program from which we can see how it does its job. This should be a 'don't-miss' demo.
I intend to discuss an 'old' favourite: CHKDSK and it's relevance today. Also another run-down on 'Revo Uninstaller' and email clients!! And some more info on Windows 7 which has now become my primary 'OS'. Sorry Bob, sorry Peter!
And of course we will have the usual comprehensive input from our members with Q & A etc.
Be there!!
(Bill Parry)
Friday 11 June - Communications - J. Lucke - 12.30pm - 3.30pm
Besides Q & A and discussions on any aspect of internet communications, three members will give presentations at this month's meeting.
Bob has offered to undertake a Networking demonstration, Peter will review one of the many Search Engines and Malcolm will give us the facts on Webinars.
Don't miss out - it promises to be another interesting event. (John Lucke)
Tip of the Week
Have you ever misplaced or lost your credit cards, or had them stolen and you needed to report it. Whatever the reason, these comprehensive Credit Card Services & Customer Service Contact Details will help you. Also do this now and every 6 months: remove all your cards and driver's license from your purse or wallet and photo-copy them. Scan and save them to your computer as well - you may be very glad you did. (jl)
So until next week, health and happiness, Cheers Elaine Please remember if your e-mail address is changed for any reason at all, unless you tell me your new address you will not receive these weekly updates! Any change of address should be notified to
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note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the 1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.  
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