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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
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1st Floor Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts 280 Pitt Street, Sydney Sydney PCUG's Blog
1 - 7 August 2010
Hello & Welcome,
Tuesday 27 July - Main Meeting - 5.30pm - 8.30pm
The July Main Meeting is but days away, and after the obligatory yearly AGM, our invited guests, who have supported the Sydney PC Users Group before, will come on stage again to show us their latest and greatest, with some very nice technologies to demonstrate.
The company in question is Toshiba, and they have, from memory, 17 new consumer notebooks and netbooks, 19 new business notebook models, one "Android OS" powered "Cloud Companion" computer, one "dual-screen" Libretto ultra portable PC (with a second screen where normally the keyboard would be placed), two upcoming new Tablets / iPad competitors (due September or October), some new HD camcorders and some new big flat panel TVs, along with 3D Gaming notebooks.
It's a real powerhouse of products, with something for everyone at every price point, with Toshiba's brilliantly named Anthony Geronimo coming to present. He is Toshiba's Product Manager of Marketing for its Consumer Division, and in charge of Toshiba's consumer range, although he is also able to answer any business related questions on the new range, and will happily delve into the details, new features and new benefits that the 2010 range from Toshiba offers us all.
So - come along to the July Main Meeting - be in the raffle to win a Toshiba portable computer of some kind (exactly which one is to be confirmed but there will be a portable computer to win!) - get your Q&A questions answered - put yourself up, if you can, to help the group in some higher capacity when our AGM is on - meet your fellow technology loving friends - see Toshiba's massive new range - and have some fun!
See you there,
A bit of a wordsmith?
If you are, then here’s a chance to make use of your talents. We all love our ‘Weekly Updates’ newsletter. Elaine Rush has been doing a grand job, but sadly, she must move on to other things at the end of this month. We urgently need a volunteer to edit this weekly newsletter. You’re welcome to contribute articles to our web site as well, if you’re so inclined.
Please contact me by email: or phone 9904 7864.
Warren Wyllie
Club President
So until next week, health and happiness, Cheers Elaine Please remember if your e-mail address is changed for any reason at all, unless you tell me your new address you will not receive these weekly updates! Any change of address should be notified to
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note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the 1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.  
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