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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 24 Years
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

8 - 14 August 2010
  • Stocks & Shares
  • Programming
  • Friday Seniors
  • Communications

Prize Winners at AGM


Hi Brent,
Last Tuesday evening at our 2009-10 AGM, President Warren Wyllie gave a comprehensive report on the club's healthy financial position and general operational well being. He also paid tribute to the generous contributions made by a number of retiring officers and volunteers.
Not only has John Kessler audited the club's financial records for the last ten years, he provided infinite professional advice and support in the onerous task of changing our club's constitution from a company structure to an incorporated association in 2004. John deserves a well earned rest and should now have much more time to spend with his family. 
After almost three years as our dedicated weekly newsletter editor, Elaine Rush has decided to move on. During that time, Elaine quickly learned the intricacies of bulk emailing, introduced a new modern format and raised the newsy content to lofty heights. All will join in thanking Elaine for her generous contribution and to wish her the very best as she moves on to new challenges.
As one of our clubs greatest supporters, it seems Bill Parry has lead one of the senior's special interest groups or ever, imparting his endless computer knowledge, helping solve members problems and writing very informative monthly reports. Bill has also served on our committee but has advised that he will be otherwise occupied and often away during the next twelve months.
Our club's globetrotting guru Alex Zaharov-Reutt, having also stepped down from committee duties, has offered to continue sourcing the top IT industry presenters for our Main meetings. When in town, he will still be available to expertly advise on the most complex of member's computer ailments or magically produce the latest array of mobile phones from hidden pockets.
Alex was warmly thanked and then unanimously elected as only our second Life Member for his many years of exceptional service to our club.
After the official reports and formalities, a warm welcome was extended to the following members who were elected to Committee for 2010-11: Dennis Campanelli, Roger Foulds, John Lucke, Bryan Mac Donald, John Matthews, John Symonds and Warren Wyllie. The new Committee will meet next Saturday where they will be elected to the various Officer positions. We wish them well.
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Following the AGM, Anthony and Emmanuele presented the very latest in Samsung notebooks, netbooks and portable computers. The full report on their presentation will appear shortly on our website's Main Meeting page. Meanwhile, the happy prize winners of the meeting appear at left and below.
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The next Smartphone SIG is on Friday 20 August at 5:30 pm. However our expert smartphoner and SIG Leader John Shiel is looking for more member participation to ensure the group's continuation. Please support John with your attendance and learn how much computing will be done in the near future!
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Saturday 1 August - Penrith - Frank Bowman - 2 pm - 5 pm
St Clair High School, Endeavour Avenue, St Clair
We'll have our usual Penrith SIG meeting on Saturday 7th August, at the usual venue, St Clair High School, Endeavour Avenue, St Clair, from 2 pm to 5 pm. As well as our usual Q and A session around the table, where we share problems, advice and tips, we will try to make a short video with Movie Maker, test an apparatus that converts old fashioned slides into JPGs, study some notes from Choice Computer on the N standard in wireless communication and see if we can install a DOS BOX in Vista or Windows 7.
(Frank Bowman)
Tip of the Week 
The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, it provides free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.
So until next week, health and happiness,

John L

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