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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 24 Years
Visitors are always welcome
WEEKLY SIG MEETING UPDATE  18 - 23 October 2010

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog
25 - 30 October 2010
Main Meeting


The Committee & Members
would like to welcome
new members and
subscribers who joined
during the month of October.

Here is a small program to backup documents or synchronize files in two computers.

The ways in which we interface with computers and machines is changing . 
Will double click be replaced by right wink or smile now?

Hello and Welcome,
We have another interesting week ahead. USB File Adapters, Genealogy Databases and night photography are just some of the things the club's SIGs will examine this week. Here are the details of what is on offer.
Tuesday 19 October - Seniors -  G. Grant - 9:30am - 12:30pm
Graham has undertaken to let the group know how he faired with the USB File Transfer Adapter which he purchased just before the last meeting.

Graham will also demonstrate some more utilities and invite members of the group to show some of the utilities they use on their computers.

A question and answer session will be held at the beginning of the meeting.
Tuesday 19 October - Genealogy -  T. Eakin - 12:30pm - 3:30pm
The title chosen by Terry for this meeting is "Creating Databases and Indexing Church Records".

When you find some records on the Internet do you ever wonder 
     - where the records came from?
     - why were the original records created?
     - what was the purpose of generating the records in the first instance?

Terry is going to answer these questions and show some of the records that have been transcribed and indexed in his own library.
He will then look at some databases on the Internet and discuss who created them and for what purpose.
There will also be time for a question and answer session.
This promises to be most interesting afternoon and if you are interested in genealogy it should not be missed.
Friday 22 October - Digital Photography-  P. Collard - 9:30am - 12:30pm
Have you ever tried to take a photograph at night in a restaurant, at a party or in the street at a once in a lifetime holiday destination and been disappointed with the quality of the photograph you took?
If so, this meeting of the Digital Camera SIG might be just what you need.
The topic of the meeting will be night photography.
Bring your camera and manual and learn how you can adjust your camera's aperture setting, white balance, ISO setting, timer modes etc to get a photograph that you will proud to display.
The group will also look at the photographs of boats and ships taken during the month and there will be an opportunity for a question and answer session.
So until next week, health, happiness and good computing,
John M

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Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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