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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Visitors are always welcome | |
- 27 November 2010 | |
1st Floor Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts 280 Pitt Street, Sydney Sydney PCUG's Blog UPCOMING
Windows Process Explorer New Version 14
Hello and Welcome,
Searching for Information on the
John Lucke's presentation to the Communications SIG Meeting
on 12 November is now on the Internet. You can view it if you
click here.
The Club's
Your committee is still looking for information, anecdotes, documents and photographs for the preparation of an historical article for publication in the Australian Seniors Computer Club's newsletter. Please contact a member of the Club's committee if you have something to contribute. Now for Alex's message
about the presenters at the Main Meeting on
Tuesday 23 November from 5:30pm to 8:30pm: Make sure you come along to November's Main Meeting, where we not
only have some festive nibbles for your soul, but informative nibbles of
for your mind! We have two presenters this month: HTC and Trend Micro.
HTC will be demonstrating its latest Android and Windows Phone 7
(WP7) smartphones, featuring a range of genuinely iPhone-beating qualities
which bring Google's Android platform and Microsoft's WP7 fully up to
scratch with the standard Apple has set for the world. They do it
with smartphones at all price points - instead of following Apple's range
of higher prices.
The second presenter is Trend Micro. Known for its Internet Security
and the new "Titanium Internet Security 2011", Trend will share with us how its products keep us safe from the ever sophisticated spyware and malicious malware that awaits! Naturally, there'll be our raffle with prizes, and of course our
festive nibbles, so come on to our next main meeting and have some
and good computing,
John M
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