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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 24 Years
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WEEKLY SIG MEETING UPDATE  13 - 18 December 2010

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog
20 - 25 December 2010
  • Tuesday's Senior SIG
  • Genealogy SIG

A presenter is wanted for January's Senior SIG.
No previous experience is required!
Non-monetary rewards are great!



Hello and Welcome,
Here are the details of next week's meetings:
Monday 13 December -Stocks & Shares -M. Robertson -5:30pm - 8:30pm
At this meeting, Malcolm will look at a very recent talk about China and its property, infrastructure and commodity boom. The whole world is wondering how long this boom will last. Malcolm will discuss this too!
Investment analysts often look at a company's cash flow along with the return on equity and debt to equity ratios when considering the merits of a particular share.However, cash flow can mean different things to different people. Malcolm will discuss the different ways the term is used and tell the group where to find the "numbers".
As usual, the group will look at a selection of interesting Australian shares.
This meeting promises to give members much to think about when they sit down to plan the year ahead. You are welcome to attend.
Tuesday 14 December - Programming -  N. Hoffman - 5:30pm - 8:30pm
At the November meeting Andrew visited the Dontronics webpage and looked at the ARM Astrobe development system that uses the programming language Oberon-07. He also showed us Microchip's extreme low power XLP chip.

David compared ARM microprocessors with the PIC and ATMEL products. He also introduced us to MBED, a tool developed by ARM for rapid prototyping with microcontrollers. It uses two innovations; a USB disk based programmer on the hardware, and compiler tools from a cloud-computing based web-application that runs in a web browser. It supports many interfaces, so can be connected to many input and output circuits and modules.
Peter showed us the DIOS GPS Logger at 
Chris described the Sparkfun USB weather board that graphs the weather over time through a USB-connected board of sensors.
Come and see some new projects on Tuesday. Everyone is welcome.
Friday 17 december - Digital Photography-  P. Collard - 9:30am - 12:30pm
Peter plans to discuss some of the methods that can be used to catalogue photo collections at this meeting.
He will consider the pros and cons of:
 - manually entering details of photos in a database;
 - utilizing filenames and exif data to sort photos; and
 - using the features in programs like Picasa to store photos.
The photographic exercise this month was "portraits" and members will once again enjoy looking at the photographs taken for this exercise.
A question and answer session will also keep minds active and provide some lessons for everyone.
Saturday 18 December - Web Design -  R. Hume - 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Peter Collard will lead the group this month.
The group will start by taking a closer look at Netobjects Fusion 10 after last month's preview of the program.
Then, the real action will commence. The group will start changing their web site (developed with version 9) into to one that runs under the newer Netobjects Fusion 10.
The group will also try inserting maps and a "customer" feedback facility into a web page.
This will be another excellent meeting for anyone interested in web page development.
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Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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