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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 24 Years
Visitors are always welcome
WEEKLY SIG MEETING UPDATE  20 - 25 December 2010

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog
10 - 15 January 2011
  • Programming SIG
  • Friday Senior SIG
  • Communications SIG
  • Web Design SIG

We are still looking for a volunteer to lead the Friday's Senior SIG on 14 January.

FastStone Picture Viewer 4.2


Some members of the Seniors and Genealogy SIGs  will meet at the Star Bar for lunch on Tuesday, 21 December.
All members are welcome.

The Star Bar Hotel is located at 600 George Street Sydney.

Hello and Welcome,
Best wishes to all our members.
I hope 2010 has been a good year for you and that 2011 will be even better.
If you have any thoughts on improving the group or building membership, or any thoughts on new SIGs you'd like to see, please email me or other committee members.
On behalf of all the committee, I wish all our members a happy and safe festive season
Warren Wyllie
SPCUG President
Next week's meetings are:
Tuesday 21 December - Seniors -  G. Grant - 9:30am - 12:30pm
Graham will start the last meeting of the year with a question and answer session. It does not matter if the problem is simple or perplexing; this is the place to get an answer. Therefore, bring your questions with you.
Later in the meeting, the group will look at some Software Update Checkers such as FileHippo Update Checker, SUMo, Secunia PSI and a few others.
 The group will adjourn for a lunchtime meal after the morning meeting.
Tuesday 21 December - Genealogy -  T. Eakin - 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Here is Terry's message about this month's topic:
"I will be talking about "The Biographical Database of Australia", a new project designed to cover every known person from 1788 to 1841 and later from 1842 to 1901. Aborigines, paupers, ordinary people as well as the landed class and professions will all be represented in the database; their only requirement is that they must be dead to qualify for an entry.

I'll have a handout for the day, and will email it after the presentation and questions from the group. I know there is Christmas dinner after the Seniors SIG and before the Genealogy SIG but I'm sure I will not have you thinking "I'm my own grandfather". However, you will discover what 2011 will bring with the launch of the "Biographical Database of Australia" on the State Records website.

I am looking forward to presenting this paper and I'm sure it will have you asking for more details".
Best wishes for the festive season and a happy and healthy New Year,

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Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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