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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
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WEEKLY SIG MEETING UPDATE  24 - 29 January 2011

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

31 January - 5 February 2011 Penrith SIG

TrueCrypt Encryption


Hi John,
Brent Roberts has offered to write a series of short articles on computer subjects for the group. In his first article he suggests that a well set up desktop can improve a user's productivity. This article is now in the "Top Tips and Links" section of our web page. Click here to read it.
Next week there is a Main Meeting on Tuesday and a Digital Photography SIG on Friday. 
Tuesday 25 January - MAIN Meeting -  5:30pm - 8:30pm
Alex has sent us the following message:
Happy New Year! It's a refrain that gets said at fewer and fewer intervals
as the month of January goes on, but there's still more than 11 months of this year to go, with the Chinese New Year of the Rabbit yet to come, whereupon we can say "Kong Hoi Fat Choi" - or Happy New Year (except in Cantonese) all over again!
However, you're not reading this email to hear of New Year's wishes, but to find out who is coming to the next Main Meeting. It has been an interesting month - biblical floods, lots of rain, lots of heat and, for me, moving house, a move that will not be complete for me on Tuesday.
Nevertheless, I will be at the main meeting - despite really having to be deep in moving - because I have failed in my attempt to find a presenter for January, just as happened in late November.
Intel is interested in coming for February's main meeting, and Bluetooth and
"Quadricopter" manufacturer Parrot has already locked in one of the February
Main Meeting slots - I hope to have Intel locked in for Feb, too, and will be aiming to lock in March presenters in early February to avoid any repeats of main meetings without main presenters.
So - what will we be talking about on Tuesday the 25th of January, besides
whatever festivities we might have planned for Australia Day, and what will
be the Main Meeting prizes?
Main meeting prizes will be two copies of Kaspersky Internet Security, which
will be arriving on Monday and which I will bring with me on Tuesday night.
I'll see what other bits'n'pieces I can rustle up between now and then, although it's probably likely to be USB memory sticks.
But what will we talk about? Well - the biggest show of the year has already come and gone, and that's the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. I will
give a presentation on Android OS tablets, linking it with the iPad, and also showing you the 11.6-inch MacBook Air - the world's thinnest computer
(which can run Windows XP, Vista or 7, although it does come pre-loaded with
Mac OS X 10.6.6).
I will also be doing the presentation from my iPad, connected to the projector via a VGA add-on cable, so if you want to see what this looks like, what the world's thinnest computer looks like, and what the biggest trend of 2011 will be - tablet computers, from Apple, HP, RIM, Motorola, Asus, Toshiba and many others - then you must come to the January Main Meeting to see it all in action for yourselves.
So... see you at the January Main Meeting, and apologies again to you all that there's no official main meeting presenter but instead Alex Zaharov-Reutt, who will be also be showing you what a mobile phone looks like in water.
Friday 28 January - Digital Photography-  P. Collard - 9:30am - 12:30pm
In the first half of the meeting the group will look at some updated software, hold a question and answer session and review the photography exercise, which this month was "fireworks". 
In the second half, the group will discuss e-mailing photographs. As there is often a need to resize photographs before sending them, you have to decide whether it better to use a bilinear, bicubic or Lanczos interpolation resampling method. Peter will explore the merits of these and other interesting questions next Friday.

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