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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 24 Years
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

1 - 6 August 2011

             Penrith SIG

Process Explorer 15.0


PC & Tech Authority - best free downloads of the week.

Membership Vouchers are still available at meetings.

Hello and Welcome,
It is time for the main meeting and Alex Zaharov-Reutt has prepared a very interesting session for us again this month.
Those members who were at last month's main meeting were delighted with the manner in which Alex demonstrated the merits of two tablets. Well, he is following it up with a demonstration of the new HP TouchPad tablet on Tuesday.
Come along - you will not be disappointed.
Alex's message is below:
Tuesday 26 July - MAIN Meeting -  5:30pm - 8:30pm
Rolf Hansen, the CEO and Founder of Amaysim is coming to the Sydney PC Users Group to tell us how his company is really shaking up and lowering the costs
of phone calls and mobile data in Australia, with a very popular and value
packed new "unlimited" pre-paid deal, alongside Amaysim's original ultra-low priced "pay-as-you-go" SIM pre-paid plan launched in the second half of last year.
I've personally become a pre-paid member myself because it is just that
good, and for anyone that isn't stuck on a contract or who absolutely must
be on the Telstra network for its extra range and fastest 3G mobile
broadband speeds, and is happy to pay Telstra's much higher prices to do so,
Amaysim's offer to the market is potentially the most compelling and
surprisingly affordable pre-paid SIM on the market - without any of Julia
Gillard's "hyperbowl" intended whatsoever.
There'll be a couple of free Amaysim Unlimited SIM cards with one free month
of activation to be won in the raffle, giving you 30 days of unlimited calls
to regular home and office landlines and regular mobile phones in Australia,
unlimited text messages to Australian mobiles, unlimited access to the most
popular social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, and 4GB of 3.5G
mobile broadband data over the Optus 3.5G network.
Robert Israel will open the meeting and share his selection of interesting
websites and new technologies, while I squeeze in some information about the new HP TouchPad tablet that will have launched earlier on Tuesday, and will then help with the regular Q&A session that precedes the break which we might have to shorten a little.
This is because Rolf Hansen from Amaysim needs to leave at 7.45pm. It would
be good if we could break earlier than normal at say 6.45pm or so, giving
time for Rolf to start at 7pm and still have plenty of time for his presentation, questions from everyone and the raffle draw before he leaves.
So... it will be a jam packed main meeting that's well worth attending - see
you on Tuesday night!                                                                           
Alex Zaharov-Reutt

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