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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 24 Years
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WEEKLY SIG MEETING UPDATE  21 - 26 November 2011

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

28 November - 3 December
  • Penrith SIG

Christmas Gadgets

Some Christmas gadget ideas can be located here.




Hello and Welcome,
Tuesday 22 November - a Special General Meeting of Members
A Special General Meeting of members will be held at 6:00pm to consider a motion for the approval of a revised Constitution for the Sydney PC User Group.
Tuesday 22 November - MAIN Meeting -  5:30pm - 8:30pm
Alex Zaharov-Reutt's message:
It's the last main meeting of the year, and we've got two presenters to jam pack the meeting with lots of great information, and some fantastic prizes!
Both have presented at the SPCUG in the past.
First at 6.30pm will be Rene Sugo from MyNetFone, and then at 7.15pm, last month's presenter, Renato Catalan, returns, to show us Kingston's latest USB drives with special features for consumers and businesses, as well as one of the thinnest notebook PC's in the world - Acer's brand new Ultrabook.
Rene Sugo is the Technical Director of MyNetFone, and he'll be briefing us on new developments in VoIP & internet for consumers and businesses, including the growth of Naked DSL and how the introduction of Number Portability is effecting VoIP vs. landline usage. The presentation will also cover how the NBN rollout will dramatically shift the telecommunications channels from landlines to VoIP in the longer term.
Some interesting key facts will be provided from the results of a recent VoIP industry survey, which reveal some interesting trends already underway.
Rene will also explain to us the latest VoIP features and devices for both consumers and businesses, and new trends in VoIP plans that deliver even better value than ever.
Rene's prize is valued at over $350, and includes:
-       modern, European-designed Siemens A580IP cordless VoIP handset;
-       with 1 Free year on the MegaSaver Premium Yearly plan;
-       the plan includes 200 untimed local and Australia-wide calls and 200 minutes of calls to mobiles;
-       plus $10 extra call credit
After the break, Renato Catalan will be showing us three different Kingston USB drives, each with special new features that make them much more valuable than your basic $6.77 4GB USB stick from Officeworks, along with a show and tell of some of the other products he represents, and he'll then show us Acer's new ultra-thin Ultrabook running Windows 7.
Renato will have some Kensington and other prizes for the raffle, so along with the MyNetFone prize which includes a year's worth of telephone calls (amazing!!!!) it's a meeting to be at for info on the latest in VoIP and consumer electronics products, and an excellent chance of winning something cool in the raffle.
See you there!
Friday 25 November - Digital Photography -  P. Collard - 9:30am - 12:30pm
At this month's meeting the strengths and weaknesses of the photo enhancing programs used by members will be discussed.
Please bring any photos you have taken at the Sculptures by the Sea Exhibition to the meeting for consideration in the monthly photograph exercise.
The will be ample opportunity for questions and answers at the meeting.

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Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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