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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
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WEEKLY SIG MEETING UPDATE  23 - 28 January 2012

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

30 January - 4 February 2012
  • Penrith SIG

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CES 2012

Some of the pictures taken at this year's consumer electronics show can be seen  here.

Hello and Welcome,
Next week we have a meeting of the Digital Photography SIG and our first Main Meeting for the year. Alex Zaharov-Reutt is in Canberra at present but he is arranging for someone to make a presentation at Tuesday's meeting. You can read Alex's message below:
Tuesday 24 January - MAIN Meeting - 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Hi everyone, hope you've all been having a very Happy New Year!
Personally, I've had to move back to Canberra for two months to look after my Mum, who had a hysterectomy two weeks ago. Thankfully she's doing incredibly well, which is a great relief, but I'm still going to stay here for the entire 8 week period to make sure she doesn't over-exert herself and heals as best as possible, as she and my Dad are still looking after my Grandmother who has dementia, and that in itself is a full time job which my Dad is having to mostly handle in the meantime.
I will be moving back to Sydney afterwards, so it's definitely not a permanent move, just something I needed to do to help my mother.
Unfortunately, I somehow got it in my head that we didn't have a meeting in January, so it wasn't until John Mathews sent me a reminder e-mail that I realised... oh bleep... we do have a January meeting!
I've contacted HTC, who are going to launch Australia's first 4G smartphone next week (on the day of our main meeting), as well as a separate company called Mr Mobile, to see if either, or both, are available to present.
Clearly, having left the invitations so late, I won't know until Monday as to whether or not either company can come, but so far there's definitely hope that either, or both, will actually be there. I'll also be making some more enquiries on Monday to see who else I can rustle up at short notice, which of course is a situation entirely of my own making.
So... apologies that this message isn't specifying a specific, locked-in presenter, but whatever happens, we will have a presenter there - even if I need to appear via Skype to do so, although I'll naturally be working to get a major presenter there, complete with prizes of some kind.
I'll ask John to send out another e-mail with details as soon as at least one of the potential presenters is locked in, which should hopefully happen on Monday, if not over the weekend, so... please have a great weekend, and expect to hear more on Monday!
Friday 27 January - Digital Photography - 9:30am - 12:30pm
At the last meeting that members were encouraged to choose or make some images for auto-cycling on the desktop of the club's computer.
It was suggested that the best results might be obtained if the images chosen are fairly dark, not too busy and with an aspect ratio of 4:3 (e.g. 1600px wide x 1200px high). A photograph taken with a digital camera (preferably with the file size reduced) could make a suitable desktop image.
The photographs produced by members will be reviewed at the meeting after the regular question and answer session.
The main part of the meeting will consist of a review of some free imaging software including a closer look at some of the features in GIMP 2.7.
You are welcome to come and participate in the meeting.
Bye for now,
John Mathews

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