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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 25 Years
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WEEKLY SIG MEETING UPDATE  24 - 29 September 2012

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

 There are no meetings in the week 1 - 6 October
8 - 13 October 2012
  • Programming SIG
  • Fridays Seniors SIG
  • Communications SIG


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New Windows 8 Tablet

Is it a guide to how Windows 8 business tablets will work?

Read about it here...

Hello and Welcome,
Alex Zaharov-Reut will give members an insight into Windows 8 at Tuesday's Main Meeting as well as demonstrate the new iPhone 5. On Friday the Digital Photography SIG members will prepare for spring.
Tuesday 25 September - MAIN Meeting -  5:30pm - 8:30pm
Hi everyone,
Windows 8 launches next month, but we're going to see what it looks like, how it works perfectly well with a keyboard and mouse (and without any fancy shmancy touch screens), how to bring the "Start button" back (that
Microsoft removed) with a range of excellent and totally free Start button alternatives - and why Microsoft is pricing the Windows 8 upgrade at the extremely wallet-friendly price of $39.99.
Besides taking a good look at Microsoft's next 500-million-seller operating system, which will work on tablets, desktops, laptops, notebooks, ultra books and convertibles - and thankfully, works as well on older computers as it does on brand new ones.
We'll also take a hands-on look at the new iPhone 5 - a smartphone which has astonished people in the media by being noticeably light as well as being the fastest iPhone yet, with the biggest screen and the thinnest profile.
While some in the press suggest that so much has been rumoured about the iPhone 5 that its launch is now anti-climactically "boring", nothing could be further from the truth, and given the fact Apple pre-sold 2 million iPhone 5s in the first 24 hours, double the amount for the iPhone 4S the same time last year, it's clear that the public isn't buying the BS about the iPhone 5 being boring, either.
So I hope to entertain and inform you with "early" eyes-on and hands-on access to Windows 8 and the iPhone 5, making you, when you attend the main meeting, genuinely amongst the first in the world to truly see what all the fuss is about.
I've no idea what I'm going to do about raffle prizes, but I'll come up with something.
We'll also have a regular presenter from a tech company next month.
See you at the main meeting!
Friday 28 September - Digital Photography -  9:30am - 12:30pm
It is spring and our photographers will take some time this month to reflect on their past achievements and plan for the season ahead.
They will:
  •  take a quick look at the photographs entered in the ASCCA photo completion;
  •  select some topics for the group's monthly photograph exercise;
  •  choose a date and place for a field day exercise;
  •  look at some of the features in GIMP; and
  •  discuss some of the features available in the current range of digital cameras.
There should also be time for a questions and answer session.
John Mathews

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Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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