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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Visitors are always welcome | |
- 24 NOVEMBER 2012 | |
1st Floor Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts 280 Pitt Street, Sydney Sydney PCUG's Blog UPCOMING
26 November - 1 December
Online Mega Sale on
Some details of the sale can be seen here. FileZilla 3.6.0
Download... Would you like to synchronize files, lists and information between your computers, tablets and phones? Here are some ways to do it.
Hello and Welcome,
of the meeting being held next week are
Tuesday 20 November - Seniors -
G. Grant - 9:30am - 12:30pm
Grant will explore some utilities and updated programs at this meeting.
As usual, a question and answer session will be held at the
beginning of the meeting.
Tuesday 20 November - Genealogy
- T. Eakin - 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Although Terry Eakin is unable to attend this meeting he has prepared a list
of Australian websites for the group to review at the meeting.
question and answer
session will also give members an opportunity to discuss any family history
questions they may wish to raise.
Friday 23 November
- Digital Photography - 9:30am -
At last
month's meeting Wayne McPherson from Ted's Camera Store provided the group
with a comprehensive review of the Panasonic Lumix FZ200 Superzoom camera.
At this month's
meeting the group will explore further the features they would like in their next camera. Some
discussion is bound to arise about the future of the small digital camera now
that powerful camera lenses are being installed in smart phones and tablets.
There will
also be a question and answer session and a review of photographs taken by
members at the recent "Sculptures by the Sea" exhibition.
John Mathews
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reason at all, unless you tell me your new address you will not receive
these weekly updates! Any change of address should be notified to
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Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically
stated, are held on the 1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney. DISCLAIMER: This Newsletter is provided “As Is” without
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Each user or reader of this Newsletter assumes complete risk
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