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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 25 Years
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

10 - 15 December 2012
  • Programming SIG
  • Fridays Seniors SIG
  • Communications SIG
  • Web Design SIG

There are no meetings in the week commencing                  3 December


is a program to help the elderly use the Internet.

It can be seen here...



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Hello and Welcome,
Alex Zaharov-Reutt has arranged another fine presenter for the Main Meeting on Tuesday. On Saturday, there is another interesting meeting arranged for the Penrith Group at the St Clair High School. Details of both meetings are below:
Tuesday 27 November - MAIN Meeting -  5:30pm - 8:30pm
 We're nearly at the end of 2012, but there's still November to fully get through and all of December to go first, along with this final main meeting of the year, complete with our traditional Christmas Party - an event that has been moved to the end of the meeting so there's no rush to get back in to hear the presentation and so that we have a bit more of a party!
We will, however, have a presentation to get through first, after Robert Israel's rundown on new business, new discoveries, new news, new sites and new software, and after what will probably be a slightly shortened Q&A session, we'll launch straight into our guest presenter, Derek Austin, Nuance Sales Director, Dragon Integrated Technologies!
Derek has visited the Sydney PC Users Group several times over the years, with his earlier visit this year to show us just how far voice recognition, voice transcription, voice command and voice interaction software has advanced to the heights we see on the iOS, Android and today, the Windows Phone 8 platforms, along with demonstrations of Nuance's latest apps.
Next Tuesday, the 27th of November, Derek is back to show us the very latest versions of Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 for PC, and Dragon Dictate 3.0 for Mac, with both using the same Dragon voice engine.
Dragon Dictate 3.0 for Mac only launched in late September 2012, and the latest PC version only a couple of months before that, and Derek will demonstrate to us just how far and fluid voice recognition, voice transcription and powerful computer control can be achieved on PCs and Macs - simply by speaking.
Given the polished nature of Dragon's latest 2012 editions, all you need to do is learn the voice commands to use the system, and once you do, a powerful new way to use and interact with your computer is unleashed, as Derek will powerfully demonstrate on the night, and naturally, there'll be a couple of copies of Dragon software to win on the night, which could make a great Christmas for yourself or some lucky friend or relative
So, come along and see how the 2012 version of voice recognition software can change and improve your life at the Sydney PC Users Group Main Meeting - a place where you always get to "voice" your opinion, whatever the presentation!
See you then and see you there,
Saturday 1 December - Penrith Group - F. Bowman - 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Frank Bowman will start the meeting with a question session around the table to enable members to share problems, advice and tips.
At the group's last meeting they looked at a site that listed an amazingly large number of search engines. The site, located at, categorised the search engines into specific groups, such as accounting, blogs, books, business, e-mails, games, legal areas and medical fields. A few old favourites, such as AltaVista and excite, still exist.
At this meeting the group will:
- use two freeware programs which convert video files from one format to another, targeting flash video files in particular;
- look at some eBook freeware;
- see if DOS BOX will run some old DOS files in Windows 7;
- use the audio editor Audacity;
- add a few paragraphs to a website using HTML code; and
- explore a recently released Microsoft eBook running Windows 8.

The group meets at St Clair High School, Endeavour Avenue, St Clair.
John Mathews

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