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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Visitors are always welcome | |
- 22 DECEMBER 2012 | |
1st Floor Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts 280 Pitt Street, Sydney Sydney PCUG's Blog UPCOMING
7 - 12 January 2013
Would you like to know when the support
dates end for Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7?
Defraggler 2.12
Hello and Welcome,
On behalf of all the
Committee, I take this opportunity to wish all our members a happy and
safe festive season.
The Club continues in the tradition of recent
years with regular monthly meetings of both the Main Meeting and the
Special Interest Groups ably led by their leaders who put in the time and
effort to produce varied, informative and interesting meetings. Of course
this effort is only rewarded by lively involvement of those attending and
the availability of comfortable and friendly meeting rooms with reliable
computer, projector, audio and internet connections to enhance the
Again this year Alex Zaharov-Reutt managed to fit
into his many and varied activities time to find interesting speakers who
offered us up-to-the-minute topics, some pre-product launches and some of
their companies' products as valuable prizes for our Main Meeting
The big event of note this year was the
motherboard failure and replacement during meetings with Bob Backstrom
filling the role of Chief Surgeon. Then, with Windows 8 being launched,
Bob led an exploration of this latest operating system iteration from
As always, we look forward to welcoming more
visitors to our meetings and an increasing membership and member
participation during 2013.
Foulds - SPCUG President.
Details of next week's
meetings are below:
Tuesday 18 December - Seniors -
G. Grant - 9:30am - 12:30pm
Do you
sometimes wonder why your computer is slow? Graham Grant may be able
to help for he will give a
talk at this meeting based on an article titled "How do I tell what
program is slowing down my machine".
There will be a question and answer session at the start of the meeting. Tuesday 18 December - Genealogy
- T. Eakin - 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Terry Eakin will discuss the advances in
on-line genealogy during 2012 which have been described as being "leaps
There will also be a question and answer session at the meeting. Friday 21 December - Digital
Photography - 9:30am - 12:30pm
opportunities to photograph family and friends occur at this time of year.
With this
in mind members are asked to bring their cameras to this meeting so that
they can participate in a practical session on the art of taking portrait photographs.
The group
will also discuss the features to look for when selecting a new camera tripod.
With best
wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy New Year,
John Mathews
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these weekly updates! Any change of address should be notified to
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Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically
stated, are held on the 1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney. DISCLAIMER: This Newsletter is provided “As Is” without
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