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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 26 Years
Visitors are always welcome

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

29 April - 4 May 2013
  • Penrith Group



Start scripting with Windows PowerShell



Foxit Reader 6 Dramatic Upgrade

Review and download link


Hello and Welcome,
We have two meetings next week. Alex Zaharov-Reutt has once again found us interesting presenter for this month's Main Meeting and his message to members is below. 
Tuesday 23 April - MAIN Meeting -  5:30pm - 8:30pm
It's already April, and amazing alliterative angles are ably achievable if you put your mind to it.
However, amazing alliteration is not the aim or name of the main meeting game, but instead, outstanding opportunities to learn about the latest and greatest technologies are instead.
This month, our main meeting guest hails from GPS satnav experts TomTom.
Our guest presenter will either be the MD or Marketing Manager of TomTom Australia - we're getting confirmation on Monday, so rather than make user group members wait for our presenter's name, I thought we'd better just get on with letting you know what the presentation will be about!
What we'll see if a demonstration of the clear advantages that stand-alone GPS units from TomTom bring to consumers - how they dramatically enhance the in-car navigation experience, far beyond that any basic smartphone is able to offer.
In addition, we'll learn about a stack of funky features and bountiful benefits, including better battery life, astoundingly accurate maps, greatly enhanced GPS antennas, TomTom's online services, and terrific traffic updates - among others.
It is yet to be confirmed but hopefully TomTom will have a GPS unit available as a prize.
So - come one, come all and navigate yourselves over to the Sydney PC Users Group main meeting, where we hope you'll find yourself in positional alignment with satellite precision GPS nirvana.
Friday 26 April - Digital Photography -  9:30am - 12:30pm
Camera technology is evolving in some very interesting ways. Smart phone cameras are replacing the small point-and-shoot cameras and a new range of cameras are being developed for special interest groups.
At this meeting the group will not only discuss the range of cameras that are available but have an opportunity to take a close look at an impressive "active sport" camera.
The members will also look at the photos taken for this month's photographic exercise and a recent tutorial from Light Stalking as well as participate in a question and answer session to share items of interest and photography problems.
John Mathews

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1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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