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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 26 Years
Visitors are always welcome

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

10 - 15 June 2013
  • Programming SIG
  • Fridays Seniors SIG
  • Communications  SIG
  • Web Design SIG

Security Considerations

- Configuring your broadband modem/router
- Security for wireless (Wi-Fi)

The reality of password sniffing over HTTP connections

Read about here.



Hello and Welcome,
Alex Zaharov-Reutt has located another interesting presenter for our Main Meeting on Tuesday and the Penrith group meets next Saturday. 
Tuesday 28 May - MAIN Meeting - 5:30pm for 6:00pm - 8:30pm
It's the month of May, and come what may, our main meeting is on Tuesday the 28th, with a new presenter we potentially haven't heard from in 20 years.
The company is Pandora, and the presenter, as you'll read about, is the MD of the Australian and New Zealand division, who remembers having presented to a user group around 20 years ago.
We don't know if it's the SPCUG, and perhaps some long-standing members will remember once our presenter starts presenting, but either way, this month's presentation is certainly going to be different from the usual fare of hardware and software.
Our presenter is Jane Huxley, MD of Pandora Australia/NZ, and she will be showing us the world's most advanced and popular music streaming platform, with more than a million tracks from all over the world.
Currently completely free, and even ad-free, Pandora redefines and re-imagines the music listening experience, extending it across all platforms from smartphones to tablets to PCs and the web, letting you listen to the music you love as well as taking you on a journey of music discovery.
Jane will explain how Pandora came to be, when it launched in Australia, what it offers today, and what we can expect in the future.
One thing's for certain however: now that Pandora's box has finally been opened, the fine art of musical magic has undergone a fundamental transformation for the better, meaning the way you listen to and enjoy your favourite tunes, new and old, will never be the same again!
We'll know early next week before the main meeting, but we might have to make a small change to the schedule to allow Jane to present first, pushing our general news, interesting websites and Q&A to the second half of the main meeting, but if all goes well, our main meeting schedule will be as per usual - thankfully we are flexible if changes to the order of the night are required.
For a change in the year 2013, I'll actually be present at the main meeting too, so if you've got some burning Q's you'd like A'd and haven't had satisfaction over the past few months I haven't been able to attend, then prepare to fire off your Q's to me during the Q&A and I'll do my best to A them with substance and style.
So... see you at the May 28 Main Meeting, and prepare to attune your ears to an aural treat of magically musical proportions!
Saturday 1 June - Penrith Group - F. Bowman - 2:00pm - 5:00pm
At their last meeting the group tried to use a CD containing the program 'Ultimate Boot CD 4 Windows' to boot a Windows 7 computer which had a faulty hard drive. While this attempt did not succeed, they are quietly confident they can reverse the situation at this month's meeting.
They will then move on to look at an article in a recent issue of the Choice Computer magazine which suggested that Solid State Drives should not be defragmented. They intend to analyse this article and consider the reasons given by the magazine for this view.
They will also:
- continue producing a newsletter with Microsoft Publisher;
- discuss the latest news from Microsoft about an update of the Windows 8  operating system;
- look at an online brain storming and mind mapping site; and
- hold a Question and Answer session around the table to share problems, advice and tips.
The Penrith group meets at the St Clair High School, Endeavour Avenue, St Clair. Visitors are always welcome.
John Mathews

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