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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

29 July- 3 August 2013
  • Penrith Group

An interspecies Internet?

Belarc Advisor



Cheaper Tablets by Christmas?

Intel thinks so.


Hello and Welcome,
This month's Main Meeting starts at 5:45pm and Alex Zaharov-Reutt's message to members is below along with details of Friday's the Digital Photography SIG.
Tuesday 23 July - MAIN Meeting - 5:30pm for 5:45pm - 8:30pm
We're well into the second half of 2013, with plenty of this year's new technology surprises still to come and be enjoyed by the masses, from new operating systems to new hardware, new apps, new 'appcessories' and new ideas.
This month, we'll be looking at Huawei Technology's smartphones and tablets, with our special guest presenter Luke Coleman, Huawei's Public Affairs and Communications Manager.
He'll be joined by Huawei Devices marketing Manager Poh-Lee Koh, with the latest on Huawei's mobile network developments around the world and in Australia, alongside Huawei's latest smartphone and tablet technologies.
Huawei's new Ascend P-Series of smartphones has started a new ascent up the Australian market share mountain with the flagship, "world-thinnest" P6 smartphone at an ultra svelte 6.18mm, now on sale unlocked and with high-speed 3G connectivity from JB Hi Fi and Dick Smith Electronics at cleverly competitive pricing.
It has just been favourably joined by a slightly bigger brother - the new Ascend P2 at 8.4mm slim exclusively from Telstra, offering 4G LTE connectivity and a whopping 13 megapixel camera, with both smartphones powered by speedy 1.5Ghz quad-core processors and even sporting enhanced screen technology that works with gloves on!
The Huawei team will also have the gigantic Ascend Mate – the 6.1-inch smartphone with a huge 2-day battery life.
We'll get to learn about Huawei today and see the features, benefits and enhancements that the P6, P2 and Ascend Mate deliver to today's savvy smartphone customers alongside Google's Android OS.
We'll also get to see where Huawei is going with Android tablets and what plans or visions for the future they are able to share.
Don't forget, the meeting now starts at 5.45pm with a discussion and tutorial on improving PC security, before we move on to news, websites, software, Q&A, the raffle break and then Huawei's presentation at 7.10pm.
So, see you this Tuesday the 23rd of July for a great evening of learning, technology and fun!
Friday 26 July - Digital Photography - 9:30am for 10:00am - 12:30pm
The topic for this month's meeting is using still digital cameras to take videos. This facility exists on modern cameras and the group will discuss how and when videos can be used to record interesting events.
The group will also review the panoramic images that members have stitched together with the Microsoft Composite Editor (ICE) program.
A question and answer session will also be held at the meeting.
John Mathews

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