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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

28 October - 2 November 2013
  • Penrith Group

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Sandboxie 4.06


Hello and Welcome,
Alex Zaharov-Reutt has prepared another interesting program for the Main Meeting on Tuesday and his message to members is below. On Friday, the Digital Photographic SIG is meeting to discuss photo editing programs.
Tuesday 22 October - MAIN Meeting - 5:30pm for 5:45pm - 8:30pm
Windows 8.1 has launched at last, with October 2013 a busy month in the world of tech. A new iPad and iPad Mini is expected to launch in the early morning hours after the night of our main meeting, with October also seeing the local Australian introduction of the Leap Motion touch-free controller.
So, upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 (and seeing how to upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1) will be our tutorial this month, alongside a demonstration of some of the new features within Windows 8.1 including the return of the "Start button" and the reworking of the Start screen to make it far more personal, while giving quick access to all your apps as needed - alongside installing a traditional Start Menu replacement if desired and using both Start environments seamlessly and easily.
Our main presentation will be a demonstration of the new touch-free Leap Motion controller that works with any PC or Mac with a Core i3 or better processor, and how it all works to control what's on-screen in a touch-screen manner. We'll go from installation to the demonstration of a wide range of apps, both free and paid, that you can download from the Leap Motion  app store, and explore how well or otherwise Leap Motion works as a brand new version 1.0 product.
There will also be a demonstration of the brand new iPad Mirrorcase, of which I have purchased from a KickStarter campaign, and which lets me record videos of any event and take photos without holding up a giant iPad screen in front of my face to do so. It's a quick but compelling demo for a device that, if you're an iPad owner, you might want to buy for yourself!
I had hoped Microsoft would be available to demonstrate Windows 8.1 this month, but they are now coming to our January 2014 meeting, with Dell now likely to be our guests for the November 2013 main meeting, and will be set to demo their latest Windows 8.1 computers and tablets.
As there are no official presenters this month there are no official prizes of Windows 8.1 or a Leap Motion device, sadly. My stock of spare stuff is pretty depleted; I will have a look through what I have to see what I donate as prizes. I'm sure I'll find something and will see if I can get some copies of Internet Security software or anything to have some raffle prizes on the night.
We'll also have our usual segments, of general business, interesting news, consumer reports, sites worth visiting and software worth checking out, Q&A, the door prize and more, so see you at the Tuesday 22 October SPCUG Main Meeting!
 Cheers, Alex
Friday 25 October - Digital Photography - 9:30am - 12:30pm
It does not matter which operating system you use, there are many photo editing programs available for photographers. Some are free, some are expensive, some are simple to use and some require a considerable amount of time and effort to learn.
At this meeting the group will look at the merits of some of the programs that are available and consider which of these meet the needs of the members.
The usual question and answer session will be held for members to discuss photographic and computer issues.
John Mathews

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