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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 26 Years
Visitors are always welcome

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

17 - 22 March 2014
  • Tuesdays Seniors SIG

The Genealogy SIG will not meet on 18 March.


Notepad++ 6.5.5



March Newsletter 

Hello and Welcome,
Details of next week's meetings are below. 
Tuesday 11 March - Programming -  N Hoffman - 5:30pm - 8:30pm
At the February meeting Alex described his progress in making PCBs using the Toner Transfer method. He designs the artwork on Diptrace and prints it on baking paper, then sticks it to a blank board with Kapton tape. He then runs it through a laminator he modified to run at a higher temperature. The artwork is transferred to the board, and then the surrounding copper is etched away with a peroxide/hydrochloric acid mixture.
Two newcomers spoke of their interest in the Raspberry Pi, and in running the PIC32 on C and C#.
Stewart demonstrated a Fortran interpreter he wrote to run on a PIC32 using double precision maths.
Members of the group will demonstrate some new microprocessor applications and programming examples at Tuesday's meeting.  -  Neville Hoffman
Friday 14 March - Seniors - 9:30am - 12:30pm
At this meeting Olin Brychta will discuss the highs and lows he has experienced with his 3 months old desktop computer.
In addition Bob Backstrom will introduce Cygwin/Cygwin64 and their collection of tools which allow Windows applications to run within Cygwin's Linux look and feel environment as well as allowing Cygwin tools to run within the Windows operating context. 
A question and answer session will be available to help resolve any problems being experienced by members.
Friday 14 March - Communications - 12:30pm - 3:30pm
We all need to be aware of the security threats that exist on the Internet and at this meeting Tim Kelly will discuss some of the security add-ons that are available for the Firefox and Chrome browsers. 
There will also be a question and answer session at the meeting to help members resolve any computer problems they are experiencing.
Saturday 15 March - Web Design - S South - 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Last month we had a good look at the HTML codes that can be used to create a basic layout, the two basic tags being <body> and <div> which along with the tags <h1-6> and <p> set up a page outline.

The new HTML5 codes that have been added are based on research which indicated the most common names used to identify the div: the basic ones are <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, <aside> and <footer>.
Tags make an HTML page and styles make the page the way we want it to appear.  
This month we will have a look at how we take these tags and make a page with them by using Cascading Style Sheet code. Using a tutorial from Berkley School of Journalism and a couple of video tutorials we will attempt to build a page using the base style codes to position the tags within the web page.
Steve South
John Mathews

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Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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