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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 26 Years
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

7 - 12 April 2014
  • Programming SIG
  • Fridays Seniors SIG
  • Communications SIG


22 April - Microsoft will give a major presentation on  Windows 8.1 

 Hackers preparing zero-day assault on Windows XP



Python 3.4.0



Hello and Welcome,
Those members who attended last Tuesday's Main Meeting greatly appreciated Anthony Geronimo's impressive presentation of Toshiba's latest products. 
At next month's Main Meeting Microsoft's Jeff Alexander will give a major presentation on Windows 8.1. This presentation comes at a time when many people are concerned about their Windows XP computers and wondering about the future of Windows 8.1.  
Make a note of the meeting in your diary as this is one meeting that should not be missed.  
The Penrith Group will be meeting at St Clair next week and they will be looking at one option that might be considered to lessen some concerns about Windows XP. Details are below.
Saturday 5 April - Penrith Group - F Bowman - 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Microsoft's support for XP is fast coming to an end, but some members still have good printers, scanners and software that won't run on Windows 7. 
With this in mind, the group will do some research at this month's meeting on setting up a computer to run both Windows XP and Windows 7 in a dual boot arrangement.
The group will also try to set up a padlet, an online bulletin board used to share information, and look at some sites where long URL addresses can be shortened.

They will also have a question and answer session around the table, where the members share problems, advice and tips.
At last month's meeting the members read some notes on 3D printers and discussed some of the reasons why the technology is not proceeding very fast. The usefulness of 3D printers is still questionable and their high cost, slow printing speed and design complexity are problems that still have to be overcome.

They also edited a short video clip saved from Sydney Weekender and a free TS converter converted the file to an AVI format. Movie Maker was then used to remove unwanted parts of the footage fairly painlessly. They also tried editing the file using Virtual Dub. This worked well on Warren's laptop but not on other machines.
The Penrith group meets at St Clair High School, Endeavour Avenue, St Clair and you are welcome to attend.
John Mathews

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