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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 29 Years
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

28 April - 3 May 2014
  • Penrith Group


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Hello and Welcome,
The Main Meeting is being held on Tuesday and Alex Zaharov-Reutt's message to members is below. 
Tuesday 22 April - MAIN Meeting -  5:30pm for 5:45pm - 8:30pm
At this meeting our keenly awaited special guest, Jeff Alexander, Microsoft Australia's IT Pro Evangelist, is set to finally make his presentation to the Sydney PC Users Group after an unexpected bout with the flu prevented his appearance at our January Main Meeting.  
Jeff last came to visit us in mid 2009 with a presentation on Windows 7, which was followed up a few months later with another Windows 7presentation by Jeff's colleague, Nick Hodge. 
This time around Jeff will showcase Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 8.1, which represents a major advance from Windows 7, with dramatic performance enhancements and breakthrough next-gen touch capabilities.
All of this makes Windows 8.1 the world's most advanced, most compatible and most capable operating system; breathing new life into older hardware while igniting magical new experiences on the latest tablets, ultrabooks, notebooks and desktops. 
Even better, the first major update to Windows 8.1 is expected to make Windows 8.1 even easier to use. The update, which was recently released, will give Jeff even more exciting news to discuss.  
Jeff has prepared a full 75-minute presentation giving him and us plenty of time to see Windows 8.1 in action, with an additional 15 minutes of Q&A time set aside for a total 1.5 hour presentation, so if you've been wondering whether it's time to upgrade or buy a new Windows 8.1 device, this is one main meeting you won't want to miss!  
It's also a great opportunity to bring along family and friends who'd like to see Windows 8.1 in action on new and old hardware, alongside getting their questions answered. 
Jeff will generously bring along some Microsoft keyboard and mouse hardware along for the raffle!  
We'll compress or eliminate our regular "general business", "consumer reports", "tech news", "interesting sites" and "live Q&A" segments, while still including the usual 10 minute break to give maximum time to Jeff's presentation. 
So, don't miss what promises to be an excellent presentation from Jeff and Microsoft on Windows 8.1 on Tuesday!
See you there,
John Mathews

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1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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