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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 29 Years
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

2 - 7 June 2014
  • The Penrith Group


       24 June - Livescribe

         22 July - Nuance



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Hello and Welcome,
Telstra will be at next week's Main Meeting and Alex Zaharov-Reutt's message about the meeting is below.  
Tuesday 27 May - MAIN Meeting - 5:30pm - 8:30pm
The month of May has rolled around again, but before it’s over, we have a May Main Meeting to make happen! 
Our special guest for May is Dan Kelly, Telstra’s Head of Bundles, who will not only tell us all about Telstra’s new suite of Phone, Broadband and Entertainment bundles which come with some pretty enticing inclusions, but will also share the latest information on Telstra’s Wi-Fi Nation initiative that will see one of the world’s largest public Wi-Fi networks created from 2015 onwards at a cost of over $100 million dollars. 
One new piece of information for Telstra customers that don’t already have Telstra’s T-Box is that they will be getting a new one for free. 
There’s also the news that Telstra Entertainment bundle customers will finally get access to the awesome “Foxtel Go” app that lets you watch more than 50 live channels of Foxtel TV (and dozens of Catch-Up TV channels) on various smartphones, tablets, Macs and PCs. 
We’ll obviously hear plenty more about Telstra’s new bundles this coming Tuesday night, with Telstra undoubtedly set to explain why current customers should stay with Telstra and why those who aren’t with Telstra should switch!
You’ll also have the opportunity to ask your usual range of tough questions, while also seeing the “new baseline” that Telstra is creating to ramp up the competition, something that will undoubtedly see Telstra’s competitors strive to do better to keep your business.
We’ve also asked Telstra if they’re able to donate something for the raffle, presumably/hopefully a smartphone of some kind for a lucky raffle ticket buyer, but we’ll just have to wait for the night itself to see whether that was possible, or not.
Whether you’re a Telstra customer, or not, Tuesday’s presentation is definitely worth attending, and to make it easy for you, I promise not to ask Chuckie why he didn’t call - which will make sense if your memory of various Telecom Australia/Telstra commercials and jingles stretches back as far as mine - although I'm sure some members have memories that stretch back even further.
So, I’ll see you at next Tuesday’s main meeting, where our usual selection of interesting news, top tech topics, Q&A, svelte sites and plenty more will be the order of the day - unless, of course, you feel compelled to order yourself a new Telstra bundle!
Have fun until then, and may whichever telco/broadband company you use have plenty of byte!
John Mathews

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