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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 29 Years
Visitors are always welcome

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

23 - 28 June 2014 
  • The Main Meeting
  • Digital Photography SIG


       24 June - Livescribe

         22 July - Nuance  

 Eye strain problems with LCD screens

Suggested ways to overcome the problem



Wifi Analyzer is a program for use with Android devices

Read about the program here

This program can be downloaded from the Android Play Store 

Hello and Welcome,
Details of next week's meetings are below. 
Tuesday 17 June - Seniors - Tim Kelly - 9:30am - 12:30pm
Users of services provided by Apple and eBay were recently advised that they should change their passwords following news that the corporate networks of these companies had been hacked and there were fears that their user database records may have been compromised. 
In view of this development Tim Kelly is proposing to look at the whole issue of passwords.
He will discuss how passwords can be selected, managed and stored both locally and in the Cloud. 
Several password management software programs will be examined including Keepass and LastPass. 
If time permits Tim will also discuss how to get the most out of search engines such as Google. 
The usual question and answer session will allow members to raise any computer problems or issues that they have encountered recently.  
Tuesday 17 June - Genealogy - T Eakin - 12:30pm - 3:30pm
At this meeting Terry Eakin will discuss State Records and their usefulness for Family History research. 
There will also be a question and answer session for members to discuss any genealogy issues they may wish to raise. 
Saturday 21 June - Web Design - S South - 1:30pm - 4:30pm
This month we will have a look at how to create a navigation menu using only HTML & CSS.
There are lots of guides on this subject but while most create a fantastic looking menu they are short on detail or complicated in dealing with how it works.
How the menu is going to look is very much dependant on the style of the web page and those tutorials seem to need a great deal of work to be adapted to an individual site. So we will dig into the code and see what makes a menu, a menu and worry about making it look good latter.
Using HTML we will see how to create a basic menu structure and then move on to see how to use CSS to make it behave the way we need.
What about those fancy fly out and drop down menus? Investigating the CSS we will discover what makes a menu vertical and how to make it horizontal if needed. Lots of menus have submenus and using both HTML and CSS we should discover the minimum CSS commands needed to hide or show these submenus.

Following our look at menus, I have asked John Lucke to show us the new responsive web site he is building for the club. Last month he asked for some comments on the site but we ran out of time, so this month we can have a detailed look, see how it works and discuss any design or user issues we see.
It will be interesting to see how he has dealt with menus on the site.
                                                                                                                                Steve South
John Mathews

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1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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