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Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 30 Years
Visitors are always welcome

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

22 - 27 September 2014
  • The Main Meeting
  • Digital Photography SIG

The Sydney PC User Group's 30th Anniversary Meeting on 23 September 2014
One of the giants of the computer industry, Google, will be at this meeting.
It is one meeting that you should not miss - register now to attend the meeting 


Microsoft Process Explorer v16.04




Hello and Welcome,
The celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the formation of the Sydney PC User Group will take place at the Main Meeting on 23 September and you are invited to attend.  Please let us know if you are coming to the meeting by clicking on the link in the side panel.
Details of next week's meetings are below. 
Tuesday 16 September - Seniors - T Kelly - 9:30am - 12:30pm
E-mail is the most ubiquitous form of communication on the Internet and one which most people use without fully understanding its strengths and weaknesses. 
At this meeting Tim Kelly will look take a detailed look at how e-mails are sent and received and discuss how the programs you use can be structured to best serve your requirements.
Topics will include POP and IMAP systems, cloud storage, spam protection, disposable e-mails, encryption and security. 
Tuesday 16 September - Genealogy - T Eakin - 12:30pm - 3:30pm
"Genetic Genealogy"
Genetic DNA measurement is being used to determine the level and type of genetic relationship between individuals and it has created a lot of new data which is of growing area of interest to family historians.

At his meeting Malcolm Robertson will talk about Y-Chromosome, Mitochondrial & Autosomal DNA Testing and in particular the companies that do it and the interpretation of the results they produce.

He will show a practical set of all three types of results and how they helped him to find some relatives that he did not know about.

Joan and Malcolm Robertson will also have copies of the software programs Findmypast (UK version) and software (world version) at the meeting and you are invited to bring along the names, dates and other relevant information of some people you might like to research on the day.
Malcolm will also discuss a new Australian Cemetery site, which has old NSW birth, deaths and marriages on it.
Saturday 20 September - Web Design - S South - 1:30pm - 4:30pm
The topic for this month's meeting is Programming Fundamentals. 

Programming, like any technical discipline requires proper planning, analysis and design before work can commence.  It has been clearly demonstrated through academic research, there is a direct link between the time spent on the tasks in the initial phase(s) and the number of serious problems that are likely to be encountered further along in the development phase.  The conclusion being; the more time spent perfecting the initial tasks will eliminate the huge cumbersome overhead of development and post development errors and their corrections.


This presentation seeks to provide an introduction to the initial phases (i.e. planning, analysis and design) of the programming task based on the theory typically presented at all good universities.  The presentation will present worked examples as well as a discussion on the different programming paradigms along with their characteristics also their inherent advantages and disadvantages.
An overview of modern programming language structures will follow along with some suggestions, tips and tricks for developing better code.
Along with the detailed notes, a comprehensive glossary of terms will also be available.  The presentation notes and a glossary of terms (in PDF format) will be available for download (from the afternoon before the presentation only) from .
Please bring copy of these notes to the meeting.
John Mathews

Please let is know if you are changing your e-mail address at
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Please note that all Meetings, except where specifically stated, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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