Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Members helping Members for over 30 Years
Visitors are always welcome

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

during the week
20 - 25 October 2014
  • Tuesdays Seniors SIG
  • Genealogy SIG
  • Digital Photography SIG

Ver 4.18

Read about the changes in the new version.


ASCCA's October newsletter with details of their November conference is available here.


Hello and Welcome,
There are two meeting you can attend next week.
Tuesday 14 October - Programming - N Hoffman - 5:30pm - 8:30pm
At the September meeting David showed a prototyping board he is building for his Raspberry Pi model B+ microcomputer.

He connected all 40 In/Out pins to a header next to a solderless breadboard and fitted the board with an 8 channel analog to digital converter, as the Pi does not accept analog inputs.
He added a potentiometer for testing analog input, a couple of LEDs and pushbuttons for testing digital In/Out states, connections for a serial console cable, and a 3.3V regulator.

For a particular project additional components would be added, and a program would be written into the Pi. The circuit and the program would be tested on the prototyping board and then a PCB would be made for mounting the Pi and those components needed for the project.

Summaries of previous meetings can be read at the following site:
Members of the group will demonstrate some new microprocessor applications and programming examples at Tuesday's meeting.  -  Neville Hoffman
Saturday 18 October - Web Design - S South - 1:30pm - 4:30pm
This month the Web Design group will finish their look at Forms with a discussion on how forms can be made to work. 
The purpose of forms and what they need to do will be considered. 
The HTML Form tag "method" and the attributes "get" and "post" will be reviewed and what they mean and how they can be used to fulfil the purpose of the form discussed. 
The group will also discuss where the information generated by a form should go. They will define the meaning of client and server sided programs and look at what they do. 
They will also look at how the Microsoft program, Expression Web, handles forms and see if they can post a form on a site and get it to work. 
Steve South
John Mathews

Information for Members and Visitors:
All Meetings, unless specifically stated above, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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