Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Helping Members for 30 Years
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1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

during the week
10 - 15 November 2014
  • Programming SIG
  • Fridays Seniors SIG
  • Communications SIG
  • Web Design SIG




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Hello and Welcome,
Details of next week's meetings are below:  
Tuesday 28 October - MAIN Meeting - 5:30pm - 8:30pm
This month has proven a little difficult to secure a main meeting presenter, partly because I should have confirmed people earlier, who instead will present in November, and partly because I was dealing with going from one job to another (back to, and in the last couple of weeks, because of my father's unexpected passing. 
That said, in the last couple of weeks, I have approached Telstra, Samsung, HTC, Parrot, Nokia and probably one or two other companies that I can't remember as I type this message, and I -still- have one other company on the boil that might actually agree on Monday as their Melbourne-based MD of the Asia Pacific region is going to be in Sydney, who I will be meeting earlier on Tuesday.
Whether this comes off or not is yet to be seen, but if so, it would be Fitbit - the world's most successful maker of fitness wearables, a massively booming sector of the market that has even attracted Apple's attention.
If it isn't Fitbit, which definitely is not guaranteed and probably won't happen (and who would be invited to present next year along with the other companies listed above), I have an alternate plan, as usual.
The PC Users Group always has a trusty backup presenter, who generally speaking knows his stuff or learns it fast, and so I'd be asking him to step up to the plate and present something interesting for the assembled members.
Were his services to be required, the presentation would entail:
1. A demonstration of the Apple iPad Air 2, the world's thinnest tablet computer, which everyone will get to see, touch, hold and feel, whether Fitbit is able to attend, or not.This demonstration will showcase the incredible desktop-level performance of Apple's newest tablet computer, as well as some games console-level graphics, also something you wouldn't expect to see in a tablet computer.
2. A demonstration of Plantronics' BackBeat Pro noise-cancelling headphones, which come with some astoundingly cool features that set it apart from the Beats and Bose of the world, and must be seen and heard to be properly appreciated.
3. A demonstration of Acer's newest 2-in-1 convertible tablet computer, which is a nifty bit of kit if you're looking for a Windows-based computer.
4. A demonstration of the Sony Xperia Z3 smartphone, an Android-powered phone that is waterproof - a quick but powerful demo.
5. A demonstration of the latest in disposable pen technology, which you'll understand when you see it.
And likely some other stuff.
As you've likely already guessed, this mystery presenter would be me, and I'd be showing these items anyway, except a lot more quickly should the Fitbit man be available, so either way it promises to be a great meeting with several very cool new technologies worth seeing.
For those who attended by Sydney City Library presentation last Wednesday, there will be some minor cross over with that presentation, but I would have the opportunity to go into more detail and explain things better, so it would not be a waste of time seeing it again.
I also have a couple of prizes available if the Fitbit presentation doesn't happen, so whatever the outcome of Tuesday's presenter ends up being, it will definitely be worth coming along on Tuesday night!
And finally, for November, we have AVG confirmed, so there will be no issue with next month's presenter.
Saturday 1 November - Penrith Group - F Bowman - 2:00pm - 5:00pm
At their last meeting the group spent most of their time discussing GodMode, a hidden feature in Windows 7 and 8. As a result, they covered very little of their intended agenda.   
In GodMode, there are direct links to almost 250 settings and system options. Many of these were not of interest on the day, but the group spent some time looking at several features to find how they could:
1. Check a computers security status in the Device Manager;
2. Adjust a monitor’s screen resolution;
3. set up multiple monitors;
4. block or allow pop-ups;
5. set up a VPN;
6. change a desktop’s background;
7. adjust a computer screen’s brightness;
8. determine the computer’s processor speed;
9. create a recovery drive; and
10. create a restore point.
At this meeting Frank Bowman will:
(a) compare Libre Office (freeware) with Microsoft Office; 
(b) make an image backup of a Windows 7 C: drive, using built-in software; and
(c) gather information about the forthcoming Windows 10 operating system. 
There will also be a Question and Answer session around the table to allow members to share problems, advice and tips.   
This meeting will be held in a member's home. If you intend to go to the meeting please ring Frank on 4722 2456 for directions.
John Mathews

Information for Members and Visitors:
All Meetings, unless specifically stated above, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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