Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Helping Members for 30 Years
Visitors are always welcome

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

during the week
17 - 22 November 2014
  • Tuesday Forum
  • Family History SIG


City of Sydney Library

Terry Eakin will be making a family history presentation at the City of Sydney Customs House Library on 21 November 2014 to showcase the club's activities. We encourage you to attend the presentation to assist Terry. Bookings can be made here.


ASCCA's Annual Conference

Alex Zaharov-Reutt will be one the presenters at this year's conference. Details of the conference program and presenters can be seen here.




Hello and Welcome,
Details of next week's meetings are below.
Tuesday 11 November - Programming - N Hoffman - 5:30pm - 8:30pm
At the October meeting David showed some features he had added to the prototyping board he is building for his Raspberry Pi microcomputer. He said the final PCB would not mount the Pi, but a connector that accepts the Pi's smaller compute module. He also demonstrated a recent improvement in the Eagle PCB drawing program, and said one of his reasons to prefer Eagle was that its component library contains all the components sold by Element 14, saving much drawing time.

Andrew showed how he had solved a problem that arose whilst programming a loop for the PIC12.

Steve demonstrated how to control power points from a browser over the internet using WebIOPi software, a Raspberry Pi microcomputer, and Kambrook Powerpoint Adapters with Remote Control. WebIOPi allows the GPIO pins of a Pi to be controlled from a browser.
Lino demonstrated a technique of replacing tiny surface mounted components using a hot air gun and a microscope.
Summaries of previous meetings can be read at the following site:
Members of the group will demonstrate some new microprocessor applications and programming examples at Tuesday's meeting.  -  Neville Hoffman
Friday 14 November - Friday Forum - 9:30am - 12:30pm
We have all heard about the Internet of Things and the possibilities it promises to offer through the interconnection a wide range of devices within the existing Internet infrastructure.

There is little doubt that the Internet of Things could have an extraordinary and wide-ranging impact on just about everything and everyone.

At this meeting Roger Foulds will look at the progress that has been made so far and how the Internet of Things might develop in the future.
There will also be a question and answer session at the meeting.
Friday 14 November - Communications - J Lucke - 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Increasingly, people are now searching  for answers to their questions at YouTube where "a picture can be worth a thousand words".

At this meeting the group will view and discuss a selection of very helpful computer related video clips that may be just what you are looking for. These will include clips on how to:
  a. Find and fix hard drive errors;
  b. Boot into safe mode in Windows 8.1; and 
  c. Create a bootable USB stick .   
The group will also view the latest 3D Duel UEFI BIOS control technology and discover why a simple 18 seconds YouTube video clip has been viewed more than 16 million times.
There will also be time for a general discussion and a question and answer session.
Saturday 15 November - Web Design -  S South - 1:30pm - 4:30pm
At this month's meeting Steve South may take an in-depth look at Microsoft’s WebMatrix which is in its 3rd edition and appears to be a great overall tool for anyone wanting to develop something more than just a static web site.
However, this meeting will mainly be devoted to planning the group's activities for next year. Steve is keen to know what members might like to learn during the year as well as the topics or information they can contribute to the meetings.
Steve already has a range of ideas and information that could be explored next year including:
- working through or looking at some online courses on learning to build web sites;
- building one or more web sites or helping you to build one of your own;
- exploring various aspects of design and responsive designs;
- considering the user interface and practical things like html and css code;
- programming for the web and using server sided software; and
- taking an in depth look at the some programs used to create web sites such as WebMatrix.
You are invited to bring your ideas to the meeting or send them to Steve at

John Mathews

Information for Members and Visitors:
All Meetings, unless specifically stated above, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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