Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Helping Members for 30 Years
Visitors are always welcome
Meetings During the Week 12 - 17 January 2015

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

19 - 24 January 2015
  • Tuesday Forum
  • Family History

Computer Trends - Computers without optical drives

Read about making you way in a disc-drive-less world 

Intel's Smart Home Technology at CES 2015

Read about it here


Hello and Welcome,
The Programming and Web Design SIGs will meet next week and details of their meetings are below:
Tuesday 13 January - Programming - N Hoffman - 5:30pm - 8:30pm
At the December meeting David showed a clock array driven by a Raspberry Pi A+ microcomputer. He showed the program he wrote for it after installing the Python GPIO library. It was a much simpler program than would be required if he had used a microprocessor instead of the Pi. 
Andrew showed a device he made to quickly verify the wiring setup of a large set of complex connectors. He used the smallest 8 pin PIC12 and a LED, and programmed it using the free Mikrobasic compiler. 
Steve explained the uses of Dropbox. He uses it to remotely access his computer files from his smartphone, and to collaborate with people remotely, and to share large files. 
Alex made a sound and video recording of the meeting on his smartphone. 
Summaries of previous meetings can be read at:
Members of the group will demonstrate some new microprocessor applications and programming examples at Tuesday's meeting.       Neville Hoffman
Saturday 17 January - Web Design - S South - 1:30pm - 4:30pm
At this month's meeting Steve South and the members of the group will discuss the design and layout of web pages. 
They will consider signage, navigation, content footers and how to use whitespace as well as the layout and composition of a site based on notes extracted from “The Principles of Beautiful Web Design”.

Steve has also suggested that members might like to look at an intriguing article on how the design ideas of Frank Lloyd Wright can be applied to digital design. The article can be found at:
John Mathews

Information for Members and Visitors:
All Meetings, unless specifically stated above, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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