Sydney PC User Group Incorporated
Helping Members for 30 Years
Visitors are always welcome
Meetings During the Week 19 - 24 January 2015

1st Floor
Sydney Mechanics'
School of Arts
280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Sydney PCUG's Blog

26 - 31 January 2015
  • The Main Meeting


ASCCA Training Courses for February, March & April

Details are available here.



Hello and Welcome,
Details of next week's meetings are below:
Tuesday 20 January - Tuesday Forum - T Kelly - 9:30am - 12:30pm
Maintaining a computer in prime condition can be an onerous task but there are programs available that can help make it easier.
At this meeting Tim Kelly will demonstrate some less well known free programs that will improve both your computer's operation and usability.
Tim will also hold a question and answer session to help any members who may have experienced computer problems during the holiday period.
Tuesday 20 January - Family History - T Eakin - 12:30pm - 3:30pm
At this month's meeting Terry Eakin will discuss using and getting the most out of the FamilySearch Internet site -  .
There are a few problems with the newest version of the site and some time will be devoted to exploring how these difficulties can be overcome.
Terry will use a printer at the meeting to print any information that is found for members.
As usual Terry will be happy to discuss any family history questions that members bring to the meeting.
Friday 23 January - Digital Photography - 9:30am - 12:30pm
Cameras were once used to take photographs of family members, friends and holiday activities.
These days many of us carry a smartphone with us all the time and the cameras in these devices are increasingly being used for a wide range of purposes.
News events are recorded and despatched to news organizations instantaneously, interesting products are snapped and wherever you go people can be seen taking "selfies".
At his meeting the members will explore and discuss some of the programs that can be used in smartphones and tablets to take photographs or videos.
The members will also look at some of the photographs they have taken with their smartphones or tablets since the last meeting.
John Mathews

Information for Members and Visitors:
All Meetings, unless specifically stated above, are held on the
1st Floor, Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney.
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