Target Audience?
Web pages are most effective when they a focused on a select audience. Before doing any work on creating a web page make sure the target audience is clearly defined. When that Audience is clearly defined it is much easier to communicate with them. You will be able to address their specific needs, desires and wants. This forms a solid foundation for doing business with these people. When defining the target Audience do not cast a net so wide that it includes too large a segment. With large groups it will be hard to develop a focus strong enough to initiate action on a specific target. If the target group is too small the project may not be cost effective. Over time the needs and wants of your target Audience may change. This may change the dynamics of the group and require some updates to the web site. New possibilities will appear from time to time and old audiences will diminish to the point where it is no longer viable to market to them. Finding target audiences is a complex task. A key factor is listing to what other people are saying. What are they unhappy about, what would they like to see changed? Read newspapers, not just the front pages but what is buried inside. Read through some news magazines or trade publication and see what problem people are having.
Brent Roberts