Web Sites
Who needs one ? --- What are they good for ? How do you get the most value from one ? .
We live in the information age -
The Internet is an information super highway - Web Sites are gateways to that Information Super Highway. That makes Web Sites a key tool for survival in the information age.
The PC User group 'Web Design SIG' web site explores how to;
Create, Configure, Manage, and Operate, Web sites for maximun benefits with minimum effort.
A little extra knowledge can make a big difference in results obtained from a web site. This improvement can be achieved without becoming a Computer Nerd. Useful information can be gained from reviewing the site's newsletters, objective discussions, meeting reports. All are valable sources of useful information about setting up and using web sites. This information has been generated by people with practical hands on experience, not sales hype from a marketing department
Brent Roberts