We Meet the third Saturday of each month at the Sydney Mechanics Institute 240 Pitt St Sydney from 2 pm

What we did

December 2013

Our Last meeting for the year.

The month we had some discussion about planning for next year in which some ideas on creating various projects for the group to develop were discussed. To round that discussion out we had a look at some of the mockup or wireframe software available to help you take your words photos logos etc and create a layout you can start building. We had a look at some of the offerings collected at speckyboy.

Free tools

free applications

After some cheese and bickies for the end of year we went on to look at some of the major professional front end frameworks software available. The best thing about them is they are free and you can install them on your machine so you don’t need to be online. While they are not WYSIWYG design tools like Expression Web or Dreamwever they are complete development packages with everything you need from HTML and CSS to Javascript code. The beauty of which is you can pick and choose amount of code you include in your site. Here is a list of the main contenders.

Foundation at http://foundation.zurb.com/

Bootstrap http://getbootstrap.com/

Boilerplate http://html5boilerplate.com/

960 grid http://960.gs/

Steve South

Sig Leader