We Meet the third Saturday of each month at the Sydney Mechanics Institute 240 Pitt St Sydney from 2 pm

What we did

November 2013

This month we rounded out our look at Responsive Design with a look at fluid or liquid layouts. Fluid layouts are the backbone of Responsive design, creating the flexibility to deliver a site’s content to any screen size.;

We had a look at two videos. The first looked at how to find a pattern in a design and convert the rows and columns into a percentage. A layout defined by percentages should then fit into any size screen from a phone to a large screen monitor.

The other video looked at more complex layout design and introduced the idea of scaling text using the em unit of measure. Basically, 1 em is the size of a capital M at a set text size say 16 pixels. The video then showed how you can use that measure to scale both text and layout margins to assist in make layout and the text of the site more readable. I demonstrated how by simply setting percentages in my site I created a responsive site that works on a phone or a standard screen.

I have check the bookings and we have one for the 21st of December. The consensus was to hold a meeting if the room was available. I have a few things we can talk about and we will continue our planning for next year, so please bring your ideas and we can have some cheese and bikkies to celebrate the end of the year.

Steve South

Sig Leader