Reports from our 2014 Meetings
Reports from our 2014 Meetings
This month we had a look at how we can take the HTML 5 layout tags we looked at in February, and force the browser to put them where we want. In other words, how do we position them in the document flow?
The first of the main style formats we looked at was display, with which you can decide if an element will appear or not. The main use of this appears to be in a print style sheet to remove elements such as navigation, which obviously won’t work on a printed page.
Next we looked at the box model. All elements in the document flow have height, width, padding, margin and border properties that control the space the element takes up. We had a look at how these properties can be used to change the elements position.
We followed this by a look at floats and watched a video on the subject from “30 Days to Learn HTML & CSS”. Floats determine if an element appears on the left or right of its main container inside the document flow.
Lastly we look at position. Unlike float, position takes the element out of the document flow and places it in a position determined by the offsets you set. We then watched a video on the subject also from “30 Days to Learn HTML & CSS”.
Our April meeting falls on Easter Saturday and as I will be recovering from an eye operation we decided to postpone our next meeting until the 17th of May.
See you then
Steve South
Sig Leader