We Meet the third Saturday of each month at the Sydney Mechanics Institute 240 Pitt St Sydney from 2 pm

What we did

October 2014

This month we finished our look at forms focusing on how they worked.

 Forms work because the browser looks at the method and acts on its instructions. There are two methods Get and Post,we examiined what they do. Here are the links to 3W Schools tutorials on the subject.

The difference between get and post;  http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp

We  then looked at the Action attribute which tells the browser what to do with the method used.

The three main actions ussually undertaken are mailto; which send the form to a mail address or you can direct the data to a file or a datebase. The last two are ussually achieved by use of a programing language and to finish off we had a look at some of the major contenders in that field, CGI, PHP and Javascript. Heres a link to a tuttorial on the differences.

Steve South

Sig Leader