Sydeny PC & Technology User Group

Web Design User Group

We Meet the third Saturday of each month
 at the Sydney Mechanics Institute 240 Pitt St Sydney from 2 pm

What we did

June 22 : A few people I found on Twitter and Instagwm

This month we looked at some of the people who I have provided great information and tips on all thing’s web design. Most of the tips have come from Instagram or tweeter.

Rachel Andrew


Let’s start with Rachel.

Rachel Andrew

Rachel is a renowned as a “Technical writer at Google. Member of the CSS Working Group.” as per her site. I first came across Rachel when she wrote on the advent of Grid. Here is a link to her site “Grid by example” It has lots of helpful code.

Some of the code we have looked at can be found in her Codepen account

She also has a tweeter account

I have found a lot of links and information there.

She has a Github account as well.

Not to mention she has some great videos on her Youtube Chanel

Chris Coyier

Next, we looked at Chris Coyier.

Chris Coylier

His is noted for two great innovations CSS Tricks Site and Codepen. CSS Tricks is a great site for hints on how to use CSS. Chris sold the site in 2022 much to the chagrin of a number of people when they saw the nature of the site change. That said you can still find lots of good stuff on CSS Tricks Site and lots of articles by Chis are archived on the site. One of the best examples is a complete guide to flexbox.

His other great innovation was Codepen. Using Codepen people can now write code and share it with anyone. It has four panels; one for HTML, one for CSS, one for Javascript and the bottom panel giving you the result. You can find his own Codepen’s here.

You can also find him on Tweeter and Github.

Joe Harrison AKA @frontendjoe

I included Joe because we have look at a lot of his memes I our discussions. I found Joe on on Instagram.

Here is one example from his list of memes

Lubna on HTML Hints & JS

Joe is an English frontend developer. His website is called “Frontend Joe”

You can also find him on Twitter and on Github He has books and a video course available.



I found Lubna on Instagram with similar memes as Joe is publishing. In her website she said “I’m a front-end developer and digital creator based in the UK.” And she says that her aim is to share knowledge “I've been growing my instagram account where I share quick tips and tutorials,”.

Here are two examples of the varied subjects she has posted on Instagram.

Lubna on Flex and JS

You can also find her on Twitter and Codepen

She also has a Github account.

I have found a number of other web developers om Instagram and Twitter so if you are on those social medias check out a few of these "Baby wolf Codes", "Code.beast", and "webdev_code"to name a few.

Steve South
Web Design leader
